
Why are people vegetarian? question geared toward christians?

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What do vegetarians see in it? If you are Christian like myself God placed animals on earth, even the ones that eat others. Why is it cool for other creatures that are God's to eat each other and we can't?

I am not against vegetarians, i simply don't see what they see in it, or why people think that it is wrong to eat animals if God obviously designed animals to eat each other.




  1. I am christian and am now vegetarian because:

    1. I feel kinda ill when i see meat not cooked properly on a plate with blood swimming all around it when you go to restaurants...

    2. I hate the idea that im eating something elses dead body.

    3. I watched some videos on the slaughterhouses and it was horrible....

    After thinking about it for a while i decided to look it all up on the internet. I realised that there are many benefits to becoming a vegetarian if you can pull it off correctly.

    I know vegetarians who eat a load of junk and end up looking ill!

    And, yes God did design animals to eat one another-  but these animals are supposed to be free and not slaughtered on these scales. That also made me think- what if humans werent the dominant race? If we were taken to slaughterhouses and our throats slit while we were still alive would we still think of it as fair??

    I'm no natauralist nut and i have nothing against people that eat meat as i once used to- the only reason i dont eat it is because i feel ill when i see it, and i hate the texture of it mostly. I don't want to sit here and lecture people for eating meat as that is their choice.

  2. xwhoisthisx is always right...give her ten points

  3. I guess people are vegetarians for many reasons:

    Health reasons

    Dont like the tast/texture of meat

    Animal cruelty


    I am also a christian...for a long time I didnt eat red meat because I didnt like the taste or the way it smelt when being cooked. I became anemic and had to eat it to improve my health but the bible does say that God gave Adam dominion over all the animals...they were in Adams care and control and God told Adam specifically that he could use the animals for food.

    If you're a christian there should be no reason to not eat meat other that health reasons - eg. Your doctor has told you not too.. etc.

  4. Unless you can chase down your prey and kill it with your teeth and hands and then eat it raw...I see a design flaw regarding humans.

  5. I am vegitairan beacuse I just can't bare to see an animal suffer just so I could have a meal. I know that God gave us animals to eat (In the begining Adam and Eve were vegitarians until they first sinned). But how can you live knowing your eating something that was a living breathing creature.

  6. Sometimes they chose it not because they are worried about hurting the animals, but maybe they just don't like meat. Maybe they think it's healthier not to eat meat. There are many reasons, but personally I'm with you. I'm also a meat lover and my favourite food is meatloaf, and again, personally I would not be able to live without meat. (but most vegetarians are worried about the animals)

  7. I don't think it is wrong to eat animals. It is just that the way that they are being killed I don't agree with. Not only that, but cows in particular use A LOT of resources to keep alive. They take up a lot of land and water and it is a lot more environmentally friendly to be vegetarian.

    Most chickens are stacked up in cages that they can't move around it, they have their beaks cut of so they can't peck each other and I don't believe it is right to treat animals like that. Yep, I don't know which chickens go through that and which are free range, but in the end I don't really like the thought of eating a chicken so it doesn't really matter =]

  8. I'm no Christian (I am an atheist), but Christianity has as its core virtue compassion--which I find honorable.  

    With this in mind, animals do suffer, they do feel pain as we do, and the meat industry turns a blind eye to both their suffering and to the suffering that is caused to the health of the consumer.   It's not very compassionate to defend such cruelty, even under the banner of armchair theology.

    So I ask this in return:  Is there something wrong with wanting to have no part in suffering--especially suffering that can be prevented?  According to Christianity, humans are supposedly the closest creatures to god.  So why not show other creatures some mercy?   What's so wrong with that?

    I apologize for sticking my neck out here, but I thought it was a very thought-provoking question.

  9. Im not a vegetarian or vegan, but I do work in a vegan/vegetarian restaurant. Its opened my eyes up alot to eating healthiers and I learned about the many food choices other than meat. I think eating meat 2-3 times a week, lean meats like lamb, fish, and chicken can be good for the body. In the 1940's meat was a delicascy, and it was only eating once a week, it is proven that people who eat red meats and lots of animal fats are liekly to get heart desease and diabetes. I think vegetarians should respect meat eaters and vice-versa. There is good in all things

  10. I'm not a vegetarian because of God. I couldn't care less what God thinks or intended; I don't even care whether it exists. It's my own decision.

    Jesus Christ this is a dumb question.

  11. I am a Christian (Catholic) and a vegan.

    I don't believe that God originally placed animals on the Earth for man to eat it. He told Adam that he could eat all the green vegetation he wanted.

    He then gave man dominion over the animals. That is not synonymous with torture, genetic manipulation and mistreatment. It simply means that man was given a higher level of cognitive reasoning and he should be taking care of and watching over the animals.

    I firmly believe that God would not approve of modern-day factory farming where the animals are severely mistreated ALL of their lives and then slaughtered mercilessly. God created all creatures for a reason. They all serve a function in the "circle of life" and I don't think that circle includes humans having their taste buds satisfied by the killing of innocent creatures.

    As far as animals eating one another, that's just nature. They are hard-wired to eat a certain diet. Elephants are herbivores and I don't see them straying from that to try an antelope or gazelle. Lions are carnivores. I don't see them attempting to eat a banana or some grass. They don't have a choice what they eat, but *we* do.

    Yes, animals eat one another, but we're not animals. We're humans.

  12. Exactly. Why would God put animals on the Earth execpt to meant to be eaten? I have no idea what they see in it. Many vegetarians' think that meat is gross (HUH??) and thats why they don't eat meat. Many think that veggies are healthier, which could have some truth to it, but the environmentalists nuts, as you and I see it, have no gain or point being a vegetarian.

  13. I believe in God, and He did put animals on the Earth for others to prey and consume on. However he did not intend for them to be tortured and slaughtered and hurt, just to eat. But we abuse animals so cruelly in this world and it is horrible. That is why I am a vegetarian. I am not a Vegan because using animal products is not hurting the animal (for example a cow's milk, chicken's eggs) The eggs from chickens are only unfertilized eggs, and I only buy free range, ones that the mother can have when ever where ever and then they sell them. I did not see why people were vegetarians either until I started learning about how the poor animals are hurt so badly. Hope you know a little more backround now, or at least what you were looking for haha

    : )

  14. there is nothing wrong with being a vegatarian if they dont want to kill animals than so be it

  15. God placed animals on Earth to supply humans with food. That is thier only purpose and I'm glad humans have taken advantage of it.

  16. for some it's because of health issues

    but for most it's mainly a lifestyle choice based on their personal morals and principles that may or may not be influence by their religious beliefs...

    different strokes for different folks...

  17. i think its because of the way the animals are treated. Also when it comes to mild and other animal drinks milk when they are an adult. Its just not normal. Im not saying you should be a not even one, but i can see why people are and you shouldnt have a problem with the way people live. Thats something they shouldnt matter to you. They could turn this question around and ask you why you eat meat.

  18. Alot of vegeterians turn because of peta which is understandable I mean you see videos on the way they treat animals which when you see them they are definetly inhumane, I choose not to watch those kinds of things as I actually like things like chicken and steak but I know that alot of people have trouble with it. Also there are different varieties of vegans, ones that only eat fish, some that don't, some that eat eggs but not milk, cheese or any dairy. I personally don't believe in god so I can't answer your theory about animals being put here to eat but I hope you get the response your looking for =)

  19. Got may have put animals here for us to eat, but I doubt he thought the animals would be tortured like they are today.

    I doubt Jesus would support factory farms, yet you do by buying meat. <===  Watch that and you'll understand a LOT better.  That's all it took for me.

    GOD doesn't support cruelty, even to animals.

  20. If you knew more about it you might be shocked at how people show absolutely no respect for the animals that they work with.

    If you believe that God put animals here for people, you should honor that they are his creations and they should not be forced to live their ENTIRE lives in filth such as their own urine and f***s.

    The Christian thing to do is to hunt your own meat if you feel a need for it or find a respectable hunter that will sell you a share. The dairy and egg industries are even more horrible than the meat industries so you should look into a local producer that doesn't hide their animals from the public or preferably someone that hasn't made it their primary source of income.

    There isn't enough game to feed the entire country but even shooting game that was bred just for that is much better than eating an animal that was bled to death while hanging by it's feet and completely denied the experience of God's green Earth and their own mother or offspring.

    The vast majority of animals spend their lives in places that should be called factories and not farms.

    MONEY is the root of a great amount of evil and ALL animal products found in supermarkets are produced SOLELY for PROFIT and nothing more. Buy local and buy from people that you feel that you can trust, not American corporate royalty that go against all that is good.

  21. i'm vegan. i dont eat meat or dairy. we aren't cavemen! the animals are tourtured by sick people and people eat the flesh of a once living animal, i can't do that. and as for the dairy.. milk is produced when a baby is born, so the cows are constantally getting pregnant and the female cows are raised to take the place of the mother, and the male cows are slaughtered. it's sick, i can't eat it, i wouldn't eat a person's flesh why eat an animals?

    it's not good to eat something that could run away from the slaughter house

  22. I think it might be a superiority thing. It is true that a wolf would eat a chicken, but wolves don't have huge farms where chickens are born in masses just to be taken from their parents and raised to be eaten. Its true that animals can and have to eat each other, but compared to the human intellect, animals are basically defenseless.

    I'm not a vegetarian so i don't know for sure but i think this is a reasonable reasoning.

  23. I am a Christian. God may have designed animals to eat other animals, but he did not design animals to be confined to a life of misery and torture simply for human delight. The thing is, most humans who eat meat don't kill it themselves. They rely on factory farms which treat animals HORRIBLY. That is not the way that God intended those animals to live their lives.  I am a vegan, but if someone wants to eat meat and they go hunting and kill and eat their own animals, I don't have a problem with that at all. Those animals lived a natural life and were not tortured from the very moment they were born. I still will never eat meat. The thing that bothers me about meat eaters is that they think that the animals have no rights to live the lives that God intended them to live; that they are only meant for human control and consumption. This is completely false and I doubt that Jesus would eat factory farmed meat if he walked the earth today.

  24. I'm not Christian, but animals aren't just instantly killed. Many are abused and tortured before being slaughtered. I'm a vegan because factory farming is cruel. To learn more, google factory farming or visit to learn about sheep abuse. Workers are so lazy that I have seen videos of them pushing cows off of trailers instead of leading them. This is the sick reality of sheepskin:

    Mulesing is a gruesome procedure in which farmers flip lambs onto their backs, restrain them between metal bars, and use gardening shears to cut huge chunks of flesh from their rumps without any painkillers whatsoever. Mulesing is a cheap, crude attempt to create smooth, scarred skin that is resistant to blowfly maggots which can eat sheep alive. However, the enormous, bloody wounds can attract the very flies the procedure is supposed to repel, and lambs sometimes get flystrike before they even heal from the traumatic ordeal.

  25. They choose to be,nothing wrong with it.  If I didn't like the taste of meat so much, I'd join them for health reasons.

    And most meat was considered unclean for a long time,the only thing Jesus ate as a man was fish,never heard of him eating beef or pork,ever.

  26. First of all I am not a christian. I do not believe in god, therefore your assumption that god designed anything to be consumed by something else does not fly with me. I believe we have evolved to a point where eating meat is just not smart. Cavepeople and hunters/gatherers needed to eat meat, we have evolved to a point where we can easily get our protein from non-animal sources. These non-animal sources of protein are healthier, save animals, and are less damaging to our planet. My point is, we have evolved to vegetarianism.

  27. well i'm not necessarily a christian, but aren't christians/ catholics not supposed to kill? what do you think dead animals are? exactly that. animals you killed. and if you think people should be able to eat others like animals eat each other, does that mean you support cannibalism? maybe they eat each other, but we have more information and options and we can live an even healthier life as a vegetarian (or vegan) rather than a wolf which wouldn't know to eat tofu or take supplements etc. it's just wrong (in my opinion, as a vegetarian) to mistreat and then kill animals and then eat them. people always argue me that we're more important or whatever, but then let's be the bigger person, right? not only does it seem ridiculous to have to eat them, but i see it as a huge disrespect toward animals. it's unnecessary  pain and we can all be happier and healthier and know we're saving animals rather than killing them :)

  28. i completely agree with you taht god put animals on this earth for a reason, to be eaten.

    but some people are very attached to animals and see animals more as friends or pets instead of food

    of course that's perfectly fine now, but if they lived in the time before supermarkets they woudln't be able to survive healthily without meat.

    but hey, that's their perogitive and everybody else has to respect that.

  29. well first off, most people that are smart enough to know killing other living creatures isnt cool, are also smart enough to know there is no god

  30. I don't see how it is obvious that God put animals here for the sole purpose of your consumption. That is such a strange and self-centered way to look at it. I am not a vegeterian but I can see why others choose to be. I don't think most vegeterians see the act of eating animals as wrong. It is the way in which the animals are killed to get them to us. It is not like before when you had to hunt and you could choose to kill humanely. Time and time again we find that the way in which food animals are treated and butchered is extremely cruel and inhumane. A good loving God would disapprove (I hope). I think eating animals is ok and yes natural but we have to also act responsibly and be merciful to the creatures that give their lives to sustain ours.

  31. Well I think a lot of it is just the thought when you look at a cute Angus beef cow or deer and then think about killing and eating them is just sad, especially when you know they don't realize what's going to happen.  Some people just aren't meat people, too.

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