
Why are people who don't have any knowledge of drugs, such as Tramadol, posting here as if they're experts?

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I just answered a post about taking multiple pain pills (already a bad idea) and about Tramadol. I responded that Tramadol is an opiate based drug, and then got flamed by the poster and answers saying I don't know what I'm talking about (but in not so nice words).

Here is the link!!!

Tramadol is an opiode (means opiate based med) and is well known for causing addiction, being abused by drug users and having dangerous interactions with any number of other drugs.

People who don't know anything, or or just pharmacy reps in disguise (or just your garden variety presciption drug addict) need to keep their nonsense to themselves.




  1. Did you put that link in your original answer?  I notice that many times people post not looking for a real answer, but for affirmation.  I've seen it so blatantly obvious that it is downright scary!  So, you didn't give affirmation and were belittled to keep the poster's sanity intact.  How odd is that?  

    Well, in my opinion, just as odd as prescription drug questions always showing up in Alt Med - where we don't do drugs.  Go figure. . . . .

  2. Not only knowledge of this drug in question but the whole site.  Yahoo MADE no claimer about the Authenticity of the information on this site.  So to throw a question on the board can result in good, bad, mediocre answers.

  3. No knowledge of anything is required to post an "answer" on Yahoo! Answers: it's an unmoderated, unregulated free-for-all designed by Yahoo! to drive traffic to its site.

    If the prescription drugs answers shock you, you should see the advice given out in the Mental Health section.

    Anyone with an even halfway serious question about anything really has no business placing any credence in Yahoo! Answers.  

  4. I agree, this site if primarily for information, but Yahoo does not modify or guarantee the authenticity of any answer. For specific information about medications, the pharmacist or physician is the absolute best source.

    Searching in line is helpful, as long as the complete answer and information is taken and understood and not taken out of context.

    Those who respond in a rude or inappropriate manner are few, from what I have seen, but there are those who will do so. Wikipedia is a valid source, and does give a lot of information. but, what you do with it, is up to you.  As for dependency, it is possible to become dependent on ANY medication, not just the opoid based ones. there are those who will disagree, but dependency on ibuprofen or aspirin is just as common, but much less known.

  5. Get over yourself, it's only Yahoo Answers

  6. People are so quick to take drugs these days and it scares me. We are a pill popping society, and one that is lazy and doesn't give a d**n about health and well being.

    I don’t think most people even care what pill it is they are taking. No one cares until after their kidneys have failed, or what have you, and then they get to sue for lots of money. That’s the only time when they care what went into their drug of choice.

    If it means anything to you, I am all natural all the way, and have never been prescribed a drug of any kind in my life, unless you count antibiotics or occasionally taking a Tylenol.

    Personally, I think the human body is a wonder and it should never be underestimated. I'm much more interested in Chinese medicine, personally, and I find most of the troubles with the West when it comes to medicine and stuff to be the result of our culture.

    I don't think most Westerners are a particularly enlightened bunch:(

  7. Well, as others have said, this is an unregulated forum, and anybody with an opinion...however uneducated or free to post it.  Idiotic and downright dangerous advice is proffered here daily, which is why I think it is important for skeptics like myself to hang out from time to time to provide a modicum of balance.  Most folks who ask questions only want validation of their own biases, not real information.  Sigh.

    There is an epidemic of illicit use of prescription narcotics.  Many junkies prefer pharmaceutical grade, quality controlled narcotics over taking their chances with whatever their local dealer has available.

    The problem lies with partly with doctors who are too trusting or are browbeaten or threatened.  People fake illnesses and injuries...they exchange information among themselves which docs are a "soft touch".  I have even had people come in with fake casts claiming to have a broken arm or leg and looking for narcotics. When I ask which hospital they had their xray and cast put on they mysteriously can't remember. They will steal narcotic prescription pads if they aren't hidden away and will write themselves fake prescriptions.

    But the problem isn't the drugs themselves. It is the people using them, for illicit recreational purposes.  

    There is also a huge problem with the "pill popping society" we live in.  This is NOT a problem caused by is caused by people demanding a "pill for every ill".  People today have a very low threshold for putting up with minor aches and pain, illness, or inconvenience. They expect to go through life without experiencing any of lifes ups and downs.   I get people all the time with minor injuries like ankle sprains or bruises who demand prescriptions for morphine etc (no, they don't get one) and get very angry when I tell them no.  They claim they are the patient, and I should basically give them whatever they think they need.

  8. I use Tramadol for pain due to a broken back. I am not addicted but it is a good painkiller.

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