
Why are people who protest the RNC associated with Dem's more violent than what happened at the DNC?

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Lila Healy, the mother of Connecticut party chairman Chris Healy; and 83-year-old Fred Biebel.

Beibel was reportedly shoved, and his credentials were torn off. One protestor grabbed the purse of the state party finance director, who tussled with the protestor to save it.

attacking old people is OK for Dem' don't hear Dem's condemning anarchist behavior...history shows when someone wants to change power in the government...anarchy is used...despite the human toll it can't be for human rights and support or be indifferent towards the Dem's seem to do...




  1. The DNC was just a training ground for their real target, the Republican National Convention. It is always the tolerant, open-minded, diversity loving, liberals that are the most violent. When was the last time you have seen conservatives being arrested by the dozens for violent acts against the police and opposition?

  2. Three men were arrested for assassination plans against Barack Obama. Citizens who are protesting aren't trying to KILL PEOPLE...Angry people and anarchists aren't what you need to worry about...It's PEOPLE WHO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS WITH GUNS you moron.

  3. I can't top that sister.

  4. You pretty well called it.

    If this was reported during the Democrat Convention, it would have cast a bad light on the party, as these were their own people.  They've learned from the 1968 Chicago convention.

    By doing it in St. Paul, at the Republican Convention, their hope is to intimidate the Republicans.  By doing it in Minnesota, they know that they have a lot of local support from "California on Ice".

  5. They did it to send a message to the establishment that they are sick and tired  of the good ol boy system and that the party who is running is not looking out for the rest of the United States. You can tell who they feel is the United States based upon the diversity of the crowd at the convention. (Not too diverse is it?) I'm not saying it was right to attack those individuals but the people who protested felt like they have been attacked by the government due to our current recession. Add to this fact we have a VP potential candidate who is a "hockey mom" that may well soon be commander in chief having to command the largest military on the planet and have to have discussions with the leader of North Korea, Russia, China etc. Those leaders don't solve their differences with PTA meetings. Palin also have another scandal. If she cannot manage her home, how can she manage and lead a country.  Look at these links

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