
Why are plastic caps going in the garbage? Wanna throw everything out in the garbage?

by  |  earlier

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Oh right, it's just not economical!

You idiot!




  1. Hmmm. You're confusing. When I recycle, I have a bin and all the plastic goes in there. Crush the bottle, throw in the cap, etc.. If you don't mind me asking, how did this come about? (You probably do mind, but, what else can I say?)

  2. nice rant...i dont know what its sbout but go at it.

  3. Some recycling centers don't recycle the caps, they only want the bottles.  Some recycling centers do recycle the caps, it depends on where you live and who is doing the recycling.  Did you know that some recycling places will throw out he whole bottle if the cap is left on and they don't recycle the cap?

  4. i reallly dont know either but, you dont want to throw them in the garbage, then go ahead and recycle, people like you can help us turn the world around and make everything better, remember it only takes one person to make one difference in what we do :)

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