
Why are polar bears now on the endangered list?

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Polar bears on our endangered list? They aren't losing any ground folks! There are more today than there were 30 years ago.

Polar bears ain't done **** and us rappers that know our **** know it! Pola bears is gettin one squeezed off in em yo.




  1. Not sure about the rap.... but check this out.

  2. Oh, i don't know, maybe because the ice is melting and they're becoming more densely populated and dying off!

  3. I'm not really sure why they're on the list, because up here on the tundra there sure seems  to be more than ever before!  If I have to stop making my home-made polar bear stew over this I'll be mad.  Can't stand the canned stuff.

  4. because people need money so they resort to overkilling animals, whichpolar bears are one. its also because of enviornmental problems too though

  5. They are not on the endangered list, they were just put on the threatened list yesterday.

  6. polar ice caps are melting.

  7. Who are we to judge this after only 30 years of records? This is yet another attempt to distort all that we should believe by the media . They continue to twist and deceive us at every opportunity. The goal is for them to satisfy their benefactors at every opportunity. The media is a sell-out of common moral stance. They are whores controlled by Satan to exact his allocation of be-drift souls. Be this a warning to all!

  8. strictly because of politics. ESTIMATES of the polar bear population are 12,000 in 1969 & 25,000 today the reason we use estimates is because no one has figured out a way to actually count them,there could be a million of them.

    polar bears think the people trying to count them are mighty tasty for lunch or dinner.

    because they have been put on the threatend list, YOU can now be sued for driving your car or mowing your lawn & adding to the(theoretical) global warming which has been declared a threat to polar bears.

    no doubt the lawyers who got this ruling passed are very happy about this & are looking forward to many such law suits..

    thanks for the link stacey

  9. There is now 25,000 polar bears  < I guess some one thinks there sould be a couple million polar bears eating seals

  10. Because the ice caps are melting, and the ice shelves are breaking off as well and melting...there are ares where there used to be huge glaciers and now there are rivers and trees in those areas....the polar bears have a smaller habitat now, and a lot of them drown because they can't swim far enough to get to the next ice-land's really sad. But, they have discovered polar/grizzly bears, so there could be a new bear out there soon!

  11. Shine boy:

    Polar bears have been listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.  

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