
Why are politics and religion such touchy subjects?

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How come talking about other topics never induces the same tension?




  1. Because one's opinion on such subjects is based ultimately on their fundamental tenets and not much else, which tend to differ from those of others. Hence, I, as a radical liberal, believe that no human should ever be sacrificed against their will, no matter what the circumstance (although killing is acceptable as self-defense), even if they are guilty - whereas, to an arch-conservative, the false executions of innocent people which are bound to occur as long as the death penalty exists, may be considered an acceptable sacrifice to keep our society orderly. In the end, people with differing views consider each other "stupid", "blind", "ignorant", "cruel", "inhuman", "immoral", etc. As for religion, there are two types of people in this world - those who use faith as truth, and those who use logic as truth, and the conflict between these types never ends, for each side sees the other as blind.

  2. What other topics have direct opposite perspectives and directly impact your life?

  3. Because people believe in them.......if you're a democrat for an example and another is a'll find that the policies, and political systems are a very tense topic to talk about.

    As for religion.. it hits a core, you've been believing the same thing since infancy.......

  4. They are two subjects that people feel very passionate about.

  5. You have to think about the people you are dealing with. I will hereby refer to Republicans and christians collectively as chriblicans, because they are usually the same people. These are not wise humans by any stretch of the immagination. If a question is posed to them by and athiest or democrat, they immediately respond with indignation and outrage, rather than rational thought and conversation. You never see two democrats or athiests arguing among themselves about religion or politics, do you?

  6. Because there are so many different opinions on those sunjects and too many people who believe that their beliefs or opinions are the only correct ones.

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