
Why are poor people still being oppressed after so many years of human civilization?

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should human civilization be accompanied by a balance in wealth, or does this concept represent a communist viewpoint?

Should civilization be accompanied by a more capitatist form of system that also seeks to prioritise social welfare, as it keeps the working class/ poorer classes healthy enough to work more?




  1. Who is oppressing them?  The poor are better off than at anytime in the history of the world, especially in the United States.  The reason they are not better off in the some parts of the world has more to do with lack of freedom and rule of law.  The first two answers seem to suggest that there are rich people feeding off the money of the poor.  This is far from the truth.  If the poor begin to produce, they no longer are poor.  The idea that if someone has something, he necessarily took it from someone else, is untrue.  In fact, wealth is created and it grows.

    Note: I grew up low middle class.  I have achieved more than my parents.  I guess I could have been born into worse situation.  I grew up in a school with Lakota (Sioux Indian).  They almost always rejected high school and therefore almost never got good paying jobs.  It was a choice for them. They didn't want to be too white. It was an unfortunate choice in my opinion.  Too often people do not chose to succeed.  If they wanted to, anyone of the Lakota that I knew grewing up could have succeeded in lifting themselves out of poverty but it didn't seem to be a priority to them.  

    Note: Clearly dmoad is demented

  2. Being smarter or stronger or more wealthy does not make a person better.  People who focus on wealth do so at the expense of everyone else.  The wealthy tend to be arrogant, smug, disconnected from the people around them (even those in their own families), and also disconnected from their environment.

    Poor is a relative term.  Some can be poor in material goods and still be rich in spirit.  Very few that are rich in material goods are also rich in spirit.

    Those you call poor may not necessarily be oppressed.  Some may be helped, but some do not wish this.  Civilization has nothing to do with justice.


    Just because people should become more compassionate as time passes does not mean that they will.  Although humans have the ability to be loving and caring, they often (especially in a social setting) can be apathetic and arrogant.  If this was not the case, there would be no classes, no untouchables, no destitute, no refugees and no war after several thousand years of "civilization."

    As long as people divide humanity into Us and Them, it does not matter who is the Us and who is the Them, there will be oppression and injustice.  It does not matter if you are talking about the distribution of power or money or food or education or health care or personal choices.

    "Civilization" does not remove all social barriers.  It does not unify humanity.  It often gives lip service to charity, justice and true equality.  Only equality can set humanity free from oppression.

  3. This is a good question. We have to realize that it is a basic thought that the strong will survive but as we learned to cooperate we realized that everyone was important. The basic thought sees the weak as a hinderance to survival. The other thought sees the weak as a part of a cycle needed for the cycle to exist.  As someone said, there will always be poor.  You can't get to the number 10 without going thru 1 to 9.  That person realized that a strong poor would create a strong cycle. This idea makes the poor the most important. Yet, this thought was a revolution to the basic thought. There are reasons why this idea has had a slow development. The smart tend to use others or other things to do their work and the term smart came about from this tendency. It just happens.

    As the example of Tom Sawyer using his friends to do his work by telling them it was fun.  In the Middle Ages, people got "free" protection in castles if they worked the land of the owner. Today, we get "free" extra money if we pay a small monthly payment and large interest to the credit card companies. Don't forget that a good credit score is of upmost importance.

  4. Here is one for you, they are not oppressed.  Most of them actually want to live that way.  This is why the communist system failed.

  5. If only the rich could understand the plight of the poor and share their wealth with them, the burden of the poor will be reduced considerably. But to the contrary the rich think that they are a superior race and try to exploit the poor much more.Humans are selfish by nature and oppression has been continuing with rich against the poor and the powerful against the weak for ages without any stopping.

    Unless a super man with a true altruistic nature evolves, the tendency will never change.

  6. Civilization is the thinnest of veneers over the deadliest predator in Creation. In the natural state, humans care only about themselves and their own best interest, so the strongest and cleverest get the wealth. And talk the others into doing the labor!

    There is only one system that encourages love for others to the same extent as self-love, and that is the Way of Christ. Scoff if you will, thumbs down everyone. But there is no other Way. Selfish, greedy predators allow no other.

  7. It lasts, but without ambiguities, letrilla is this. And the classification that it establishes is not as maniquea as it could be come off the brevity, but exactitude of his verses. To that they think that its content is exaggerated, or demagogic, it would be necessary to suggest to them that they reflect a little while on the following data: from that they are born to die, more than 1.000 million human beings badly they are fed and they suffer diseases… 100 thousand people daily agonize of hunger in the world… every 2 seconds dies a boy for want of foods… from that they are born to kill, in the world more is spent de1 trillion of dollars to the year in armament… about 6 million UEROS per second… and so they are worth 20 military airplanes would be possible to be saved about 46 million children… Maldistribution of foods, to continue with the same example, is a consequence of the world-wide distribution of the productive wealth and the rents that originates. As well, the allocation of the productive resources to produce nourishing armament and/or goods is cause and consequence of such distribution. And the rich and poor, marginalized and active division of the population between, depends on such distributions and the real powers that control the wealth and the rent. All this is consubstantial to the model of society in which we lived, including the social marginalization that it generates.

  8. Because churches and charities keep most of the money for themselves.  Also ethanol is creating food shortages all over the world which sadly leads to riots.

  9. Because otherwise the wealthy minority couldn't enjoy all  their luxories!

  10. As long as there are arrogant people who feel self-important, there will be poor and oppressed, because the cowardly and arrogant are way too good at lying, way too good at banding together, and abusing whatever power and resources they may be given, and I am sorry to say this, but the only way to solve the world's poverty problem is to simply kill them.  People who are genetically prone towards arrogance and self-importance that is.

    I think it is even predicted in the bible, how millions will lose their lives one day.  I don't mean to get religious in this scientific discussion of sorts but it seems that God himself will, well, take care of the problem.

    Peace out.

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