
Why are popular people so mean and always exclude other people? I just wanna hang out with them! Sheesh!?

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Why are popular people so mean and always exclude other people?

For example, there's a popular girl in my class and she's in the 'popular group' and she and the whole group are sometimes mean and she and and the group exclude me when I wanna hang with them!!


Why is it like that? What's wrong with them? Why?!




  1. they think they are something because they wear all of the hollister,aero, abercrombie, etc. which is really stupid and they think that they are so entitled when really, they are just like us. they think that with their makeup and clothes that they can cover themselves up as a "popular" person

  2. I'm 16. Male.

    My motto is "Only be friends who the people who want to be friends with you"

    Sometimes, people think they are "popular", but they're just arrogant Jerks who think that they're better than everyone, but they're not.

    I actually feel sorry for people who are like that now. I may not have a lot of friends, but I have a few good friends. Ones that I can tell them about anything.

    A few good ones is way better than a bunch of jerks who won't accept you for who you are.

  3. Wow.. if they are like that then whats the point of hanging out w/ them? ..  

  4. Worry less about wanting to hang out with them and more about getting real friends. Wanting to hang out with them even if they exclude you makes you an annoying tag along wannabe. Find friends that accept you so you have people who care. And to answer that question, maybe she feels that shes better than you since she's "popular."

  5. dont hang out w/ em...find a REAL friend

  6. They're just stupid and watch they will be losers when they grow up and you will be so sucessful. Dont let them get to you. They might not even know they are doing it. But dont even act like you want to be around them if they act like that. Its not worth it.

  7. why do you wanna hangout with mean people

    u just wanna be a popular girl and it doesnt matter to you what kinda people you hangout with as long your popular

    so just move on becuz the self pity act aint gunna make you popular

    get over it and find some genuine friends instead of popular bittchess

    you have the problems  

  8. Why would you want to hang out with a bunch of elitist bee-yotchas?

  9. popular girls are the fakest people you'll ever find. they'll spend all of their teenage years banging guys and getting ****** up but when it comes time to go on their own and get a house and job they're ******. they wasted their last 15 years of their life partying instead of other things and now theyre screwed. dont even try to become friends w them, theyre all stuck up b****es and not worth it.

  10. they thing they are gods gift and can get a way with it find some friends that won't do that i mean do you want to hang out with people who make fun of others i know i don't  

  11. The thing is, if their treating you that way, they aren't good friend material. Make other friends, start your own group. Dont let their attitude bother you.  

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