
Why are ppl fighting in the iraq war?

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me and my friend are confused, we're 14




  1. BUSH

  2. there in it for oil. WAR FOR OIL. the world will end there near the black sea

  3. It's complicated and dates back many years. It all comes down to religion and politics. In essence, we (the western world, more specifically, the USA) were looking for an excuse to remove a dictator, Saddam Hussein, who was involved in killing people in his own country. He was using (had used) weapons of mass destruction (poison gas) on the Kurdish population in the north of Iraq. Dubya seized upon some unproven allegations made by unreliable sources that Saddam Hussein was making more WMD's and possibly was also developing nuclear weapons. Though unproven, Dubya sold it to the public that these assertions were fact, to justify his invasion of Iraq. Now, Dubya conveniently overlooks the fact that NO WMD's were EVER found and is finding it increasingly hard to justify why we are STILL maintaining a presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the fighting going on today is based on differences in religion, one sect persecuting another in the name of God. Here is a link to an article on the Sunni-Shia religious aspect of the conflict: I think you can probably tell I not exactly a big fan of the current president. Our big problem now, is how to get OUT without the whole Middle East erupting into civil war. The Taliban are making a comeback in Afghanistan and the Sunni-Shia conflict is threatening to get out of hand in Iraq and recently the Palestinians are once again threatening Israel by firing off rockets across the border. When you get to be 18, you can vote and enlist in the Army. I'm willing to bet we will STILL be in Iraq when you come of age... I have greatly simplified the whole Middle East here.  Just remember, dissent is not disloyalty no matter what the president says. Both Mother Jones Magazine and Democracy Now have done in depth studies of the situation in Iraq and the Huffington Post is always picking away at the current administration for one thing or another.

  4. You are no more confused than me and I'm 58.  They did nothing to us.  It was Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.

  5. that will be the americans and the brits robbing the oil

  6. George Bush said he had proof of WMDs in Iraq, and Saddam was going to use them.  USA invaded Iraq and found nothing.  So now all the troops are kinda stuck fighting off people who want them to leave.

  7. Going back a while... In 2003 we invaded because we had reason to believe that Iraq had aluminum tubes,  bush said and Blair had sold them to Saddam via the French without the knowledge of he US.

    They had yellow cake, that all wanted a piece of it, Iranians, the Syrians, the Israelis, US and all. then there was oil that was more important then the hole lot. But we have to prepare a scenario that us idiots around the world believe it and agree with it.The US wanted to have bases in the Persian gulf to secure control the oil. Terrorist or war on terror is a tool fabricated to legalize the stay of troops in foreign countries. Saddam was very bad no doubt about it, but how many did he kill. Bush , since he came to power, how many US troops are dead, how many Iraqis dead?? The price of oil jumping from 35 $ a barrel to 140 ....  prices of food....tell me who is more evil Saddam or bush.

  8. Going back a while... In 2003 we invaded because we had reason to believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Although they were never found, it is likely that they were destroyed before the invasion. Bush also wanted to remove Saddam Hussein from power. He was an extremely evil person who killed untold thousands of his own people.

    Today it is mainly to bring about peace and stability. Iraq has set up a new government and they are training their people to fight terrorism. Violence is almost at an all-time low as a result of increased troops. A lot of progress has been made in the last year or so. Iraq has recently asked us to leave. That means they are ready for us to hand over the country back to its people. The goal is to have Iraq become a friend of the U.S. and a democracy in the heart of the Middle East. It would be very strategic because that is a major hot spot for fighting terrorism. It would also give the U.S. a military presence near some of our enemies.

  9. To but it to the point, Bush , and his oil rich buddies wanted control of the oil over there, so they trumped up 26 different reasons why we had to go to war in Iraq, just take your pick of which you want to believe. But the one true fact is that they wanted control of the oil. The rich and the greedy can never seem to have enough wealth to satisfy them.

  10. Firstly to remove the appauling regime of Saddam Hussein, who killed millions of innocent people, and was an awful dictator (and also to get access to Iraq's oil reserves). But now to improve stability, introducing democracy to the country, and trying to prevent it becoming a haven for terrorists like Al Quieda by training Iraqis to be good soldiers, or police etc.. A foot hold in the Middle East also makes it easier to hold discussions and negotiations with places like Iran.

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