
Why are pregnant women so angry ?

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Why are pregnant women so angry ?




  1. Some are, some aren't.  As their bodies change with the pregnancy, so do the levels of their hormones.  Since every body is unique, every woman's pregnancy is unique.  Some women "glow".  Others are miserable.  I was very moody in the beginning, towards the end I just felt exhausted.

  2. because of hormones and dumb questions like this one haha

  3. because not only do we have to carry such a heavy baby we also have to cook and clean for you guys and make sure everything is running smoothly..


  4. cause we barf every morning

    can't stand the smell of food

    our feet are swollen & hands & calves & ankles

    we can't sleep

    have to pee every 10 minutes (that's why we can't sleep)

    & know that in a few short months we'll have to pass something the size of a small watermelon through our private parts -  

  5. Hormones!

  6. because they know in time their vag is gunna be ripped open by a crying screaming cute bundle of h**l

  7. They are not per say it is the body going though a lot of changes. It will get better as time goes on.

  8. Im pregnant, and what makes me angry is guys just have no understanding...

  9. Because their bodies are swelling in every place and ache. A baby is using all the vitamins that help the mother to process information and even keep their balance sometimes... If she's screaming at you, it just means she's not on her guard towards you... Isn't that great? God bless Mothers!

  10. Because they break out, are puking, exhausted, constipated, bloated, peeing every hour all night long, get stretch marks, have headaches, swollen and sore feet, sciatic nerve pain, back pain, round ligament pain, braxton hicks contractions, heart burn, screwed up balance due to carrying a watermelon in front of them, can't tie their own shoes or shave their own legs, their b***s and nipples hurt and possibly leak, they have to buy a whole new wardrobe to wear for a matter of months and then is pointless, can't turn over in bed and get comfortable, have a baby kicking and moving so hard by the end that it hurts, get kicked in your already squished bladder...should I go on?

    Wouldn't you have some off days, too,  if that was your life?

  11. I wasn't an angry pregnant woman...maybe they just didn't get as many massages, pedicures or manicures as I did :)

  12. lol!

    because their hormones are on a rampage, their t*ts are swollen & sore, feet hurt, back hurts, cant sleep comfortably,

    have to pee constantly, gums bleed, throbbing in head from increased blood pressure, puking, constipation, cant workout, cant do anything fun, cant move normally, look fat, normal clothes dont fit, exhausted, always hungry, baby kicks in the ribs & the crotch, lungs crowded, cant breathe, obgyn sticks her w/ needles, obgyn pricks her for blood, obgyn sticks his hand up her * every 2 weeks to make sure its all great up there...  

    & dont even get me STARTED w/ the birth...

  13. HORMONES!!!!


    if your a guy- Hang in there and just agree with everything she says!

  14. because everyone else is so f-ing stupid and annoying

  15. hormones. just like teens and mood swings. read a medical book.  



  17. 1. Because they're carrying something 5-10 lbs. Plus water weight, PLUS weight they put on from eating for 2.

    2. Their hormones are raging.

    3. This is all because one of your swimmers made it and you have nothing to bear for it.

  18. Isn't it obvious???  We're not angry all the time.  Our anger is only directed towards men.  After all, it's they're fault...  It's a man's sperm that caused the misery we're enduring for nine months!  Just TOTALLY kidding.  Our hormones do make us monsters and it is true that the man in our life takes the brunt of our anger but in the end, we're beyond grateful for the little boy or girl that we birth into this world.

  19. not all pregnant woman are angry. but you probably would if someone  is kicking you in your stomach all the time.  pregnant woman have some change in hormones. some women are just angry period. their angry with or without them being pregnant.

  20. Moodiness

  21. shiiiiiiit i would be angry if i had to carry around your manspawn and then push it out of my tiny va jay jay.

  22. actually every woman i know who has been pregnant is a lot HAPPIER then her not being pregnant.

  23. :) because these are the only 9 months in our lives where we're "allowed" to ***** about anything and everything. so we do!

    dude-hormones!! lol

  24. hormONes people  

  25. we never get so angry, we get frustrated that our clothes no longer fit, we get upset because our feet is swollen, I get angry because at some point we cant see our toes..Now imagine, if you had all these things happen to you would you consider yourself angry or just pregnant?

  26. one word..........HORMONES. it is raging in there system. and if she's carrying a girl watch out..........

  27. the hormones or the w***e moans either way

  28. It pregnancy hormones. Im a mega ***** at the monent, im at the end of my pregnancy and im quite sick, which makes it all worse.

  29. Because they carry a little monster around for nine months...

  30. because theyre about to push a f***ing person out of themselves... HORMONES

  31. because men are so stupid....

    HORMONES !!!!!

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