
Why are prices rising?

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My parents are always complaining about me not spending too much money because everything is so expensive. Can someone please explain to a teenager why prices are rising?




  1. I'd ask your parents to take a second job.

    You're going to need the latest fashions to head back to school.

  2. Because our economy is so screwed up!

    Maybe u should be more considerate and not spend so much money. or u can get a job  and stop asking your parents for money.

  3. The reasons for raising prices vary.  But currently the raising price of oil is causing most of the issues.

    All goods need to get to a retailer the last leg of the journey is always by Truck (uses gas).

    Also consider the following

    As the price of gas is going up it costs people more $$ to use there cars so they demand raises from there companies.   The companies having to pay higher salaries raise the prices of there good in order to keep the same profits (note they are just staying where they were).  Since the price of what the company sales is going up it costs people more $$ to buy these items, so they demand raises from there companies.  The companies having to pay higher salaries raise the prices of there good in order to keep the same profits ......

    Do you see the trend here.

    Once you start earning $$ and see how hard it is to make $$, you will understand your parents.

  4. With the price of fuel soaring, the cost increases to manufacture products, grow food, and transport these items to stores.

  5. The Gas and the US dollar is getting too weak! I blame the mortgages, Credit companies, and Free trade! Greedy people can't be happy with what they have and want more!

  6. Since gas is so much, prices of wholesale food goes up because it takes more gas and money for the distribtor to get the food to your grocery store. It all comes down to oil and the government, if we can change the government or have our vehicles and other machines work off of something besides oil and gas, prices will come down. Since that will not happen anytime soon, prices will continue to go up and more and more people will be unemployed.

  7. Because the Feds can't keep their hands out of the economy.  Let the markets run free and they will correct themselves.  The answer is with the individual and individual responsibility
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