
Why are products that contribute to deterioration of our environment still being sold in stores?

by Guest65992  |  earlier

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Any, why do people buy them? They make people sick, cause cancer, asthma, liver disease, birth defects, thyroid disorders and then go into our waste stream to continue causing even more damage. Why do you use this stuff?




  1. Organic vegetables create pollution after you eat them.  You want them banned too?

  2. Spam alert!!

    Please fill us in on some details because it's rather irritating to us mere mortals to comprehend wtf you are talking about.

  3. Because the people want those products. Cars kill more people than most things. They kill people in wrecks and with their pollution. Should we stop selling them? Food kills people everyday. Stop selling it? There has always been things in our environment that is harmful, and there always will be. Nature needs disease and death to control the population and maintain the species. Maybe that's why we are facing mass death via GW. We have been to good at trying to keep everyone safe. Other species don't have that problem.

  4. Well, do your share and don't buy them. Manufacturers won't make a product that doesn't sell. . Also man is an ever mutating animal , as are all other  living things. Up to the late 18 hundreds, we had been drinking water from the lakes and rivers. No matter how pure you think it was back then, it was laced with cyanide, arsenic and all other minerals and  many components of  chemicals.   There are very few products out there that are totally safe for everyone at all doses, even home grown food stuffs. As i said  at the start , Just do your share.

  5. They are sold because people buy them.  People buy them because they have decided that they are most effective for their purchase.  They use them because they either need or want the end results they give.  This is how the free market works.

  6. That's the wonderful American government for you. People buy those things because it's affordable and convenient.

  7. Because we want to.

  8. The only liver-wrecking product that I know is one I'm heading to purchase right now!

  9. Please list "them" or is it just every thing sold in stores?

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