
Why are professional tennis players skirts so short?

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I play tennis and our skirts have always been short, but in the last few years they've been getting so short they barely cover the butt. I don't mind this too much as I have a nice butt and legs but it is a bit wierd. I know professional players wear them really short, like for example in these pics:

Girls, do you play tennis? Do you wear a skirt? What do you think of the pleated ones? How long/short is it, and do you like it? Has it changed in recent years? Why are so many skirts so short? Aren't top players embarrased if they show too much? Do you think skirts will change in future to become more modest? Thanks for reading.




  1. I imagine it's just for the extra leg movement. At least that's the excuse they'd give if they have ulterior motives

  2. Because they're comfortable, and I don't mind if people see my body, clothed or nude.  I have a nice body and am proud to show it.

  3. I do not think the future cares much for "modest". Its just the trend the world is setting... which is from bad to worse, yet people see it so much that more and more "bad" things become acceptable. But if conscience tells you there is something wrong, then you can set an example for others and wear something appropriate. Remember though, the skirt is not the only thing you wear, you also wear shorts to put balls in, correct?

    So my advice is to do the right thing with your wardrove and dont be swayed by what "everyone else" tells you to do or what "the world" wants you to wear. Maintain your dignity and honor.

  4. Yes we wear skirts and yes they're that length. Why? well, usually we wear tennis shorts/spandex shorts underneath our skirts and stuff them with an extra tennis ball. If the skirt is long, it's harder to get to our shorts and therefore extra ball. And sides, less material means less constricting clothes and breezier too. Not to mention we're girls and it would be horribly granny-like if we wore skirts that came to our knees. You GUYS wanted them, and so they're here.

  5. i wear tennis skirts. i have pleated ones and regular ones and i like them both. they are all on the short side but i dont mind it because i have nice legs and butt. i think it has changed in recent years but i dont think they will start to get any longer. if the top players wear it then i dont think they are embarassed. i dont know why the skirts are so short but if you want a longer skirt try making your own. i have done it a few times and it worked well. i hope i was able to help.

  6. yes i play tennis, but since our coach was a tad forgetful, we had to get our own uniforms. i got a white skirt from nike, but it's luckily not too short. i have no idea why the skirts are getting so much shorter, they seem more likely to hurt play than improve it. and you can't keep extra balls under the spankies!

  7. I play tennis alot and my shorts are shorter than usual but it's to keep you cool. I dress modestly outside of my sport. It's just the fashion I guess but women don't have pockets generally on any clothing so they make women wear the skorts (that's why they are also tight fitted so the tennis ball stays there) I don't think they need to be more modest, presonally, I'm comfortable wearing what I do on court it's all about confidence level. I don't think tennis skirts are too hideously short I think people wear more revealing things in public.

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