
Why are protesters breaking windows to innocent business's?

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They are doing this at the RNC but not the DNC. Why?




  1. because they don't like Republicans and feel that they are responsible for both Wars, the one if Afganistan and the other in Iraq.

    what they don't realize was that the Taliban and Saddam Huesein develop there terror during the years of Bill Clinton

  2. It shows how ignorant they really are.

  3. Because Democrats have no respect for property or much else, for that matter. Oh, and CEC; Saddam had nothing to do with  the proliferation of Islamic terrorists; he hated them.

  4. Any time any cause turns to action, such as protest marches, they always attract a houligan element, who do not care about the reasons for the protest, but seize the opportunity to create mayhem of their own.

    Any public demonstration has the potential of turning violent. Lawless elements will take advantage of the situation to act on their own agenda, which is often looting. Violence begats violence. Normal law-abiding citizens will blindly follow what they see houligans and criminals dong and engage in unlawful activities

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