
Why are public schools better than private schools ASAP ?

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Why are public schools better than private schools ASAP ?




  1. They are better for B and C average students.

    If your child excels, sure, private school is best. But the pressure to get straight- A's is tremendous. College students still kill themselves over one B on their report because to them who have been through private school a B is considered a fail grade.

    For B average and C average students, some parents don't see the point of paying outrageous tuition fees for private school for B grades.

    Some smaller towns have excellent public grade and middle schools. I have been impressed with both of my daughter's teachers so far (she's going into 2nd grade next week.) With stricter standards for teachers and more demanded of grade school education, my daughter is doing quite well. Plus she is learning to do things by herself like ride the bus to and from school. I don't agree with the amount of homework she got in 1st grade - it was a bit too much - but since she is very bright her teacher did keep her challenged.

    Sure, private schools are great, but there is no guarantee that a private school education will secure her future.

  2. you get to see everyone  

  3. It depends. Sometimes yes sometimes no.

  4. It is true. If you want to learn in a public school, you have to be a mentally strong person and not get caught up with the crowds. In public school, you have to strive for your ground. For students that have been in private school all their life might get easily influenced by the pressure to be cool but don't let it get to you.  

  5. They aren't.

    The only thing I can say is that kids that go to public school are typically mentally tougher than kids that go to private school.  They have to work harder for the education that they get and they have to deal with more distractions.  Private schools are engineered for learning, so it is an easier environment.

  6. It all depends where you live.  In some areas, public schools are worse due to violence, lack of respect between student and teacher, and lack of funding for the school.  However, if  you live in a good community, with a good public school, then i believe there is no reason to attend a private school.  Private schools cost money, and although students may receive scholarships, a good public school can get you scholarships also.  

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