
Why are public schools closed on Christian and Jewish holidays but not Muslim holidays?

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Such as the Muslim holiday, Eid.




  1. Being in  a public school us kids really don't care what kind of holiday it is. We just want to get out and being able to sleep in. So if muslim holidays were added to the list we still wouldn't care what kind of holiday it was. We would be glad to have no school.

  2. what holidays are you talking about?? christmas has become FAR from being christian.  besides it is called winter break between the 2 semesters.

  3. wait a second, what public schools are closed on jewish holidays? defenetly none i've been to.

  4. Are you in a Christian country ?

    Maybe that's the answer.

  5. I'm not aware of any public school that closes on a Jewish holiday.  

    Schools are closed for "winter break," not for Christmas.  Schools are closed for "spring break," not for Easter.  

    Other Christian holidays do not result in school closures.  

  6. because then they would have to close for all the different types of buddist and hindu ones and then we would never have school......this country started out as one nation under God....i guess they just havent gotten around to 'inventing' holidays so we dont offend.

  7. Read the questions and answers on Y/A and then ask yourself, "Do American children really need more days away from school?"

  8. It has to do with money.  When kids are not in public schools, the schools don't get money from the state.

    BTW, there are very few places in the USA where schools are closed on Jewish holidays.  In my area, not only are schools open, Jewish students get an unexcused absence if they take the day off.  I sincerely hope that doesn't happen to Muslims in your area.

    All the best.

  9. My school is only closed on Christian holidays, and it is public. My guess is just the pure statistics, so it would not be practical to have school those days. I really wish we didn't have school during Ramadan!

  10. Closed on Christian Holidays... which ones?

    Christmas? That's a Christian Holiday not a Jewish one, and typically that time falls during Winter BREAK. So everyone is off.

    Then, what's next.. Easter? Thats Christian again, but that falls during Spring BREAK... and in fact, this last year.. Spring Break and Easter did not fall during the Jewish holiday of Passover... so no Jews don't get Jewish holidays off. In fact most of the time we have to take off work for the Jewish New Year, Yom Kippur, Sukkos... etc.

    Muslims do the same thing. You take off for your holidays and eat your sick days just like Jews do. Suck it up like the rest of us. :)

  11. Why is it in the UK Clinton's cards display celebration cards for Hanukkah and not Eid etc?

    Over 2 million Muslims in the UK alone and how many Jews? 13 million in the world so tell me how many of that 13 million live in the UK? Census 2001 267,000.......................Just over a quarter of a million but there are over 2 million Muslims?

    I have zero problems with Hanukkah, Passover, Christmas, Easter,Patrick's day or any other religious celebration having cards in stores but why when there are so many more Muslims than Jews in the UK but we are left out? Hmmmmmm ponder that for a while too?

    Nuff said.........

  12. We live in a Christian dominated country, it's that simple.  

  13. Because we are a Christian society with a few minorities like Jews.

  14. it's because the christians usurped the pagan holidays that have been central to western civilization from the beginning.  it's merely coincidental that they now happen to be christian holidays as well.  if you were in india or japan, the schools would be closed on different holidays because they have different secular traditions.

  15. The only public schools that close on Jewish holidays are in Israel.

  16. Kids would love to get the whole month of Ramadan off:

    After all, who likes school?

  17. Good question! And also- why not Hindu, Buddhist, and all other religious holidays?

    I do not know the answer to your question but I hope that one day- there will not be any discrimination against anyone for any reasons. I can't wait for that day to come!

    Cheers :)

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