
Why are questions about Palin and her daughter off limits?

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Palin has lobbied for abstinence only to be taught in schools. Her daughter is now a poster "child" for this belief.

Would current events change her view on abstinence only being taught?




  1. the same reason that obama said his wife and kids were off limits. her daughter has nothing to do with her being a candidate. geez, like she is the only 17 year old to ever get pregnant. move on.

  2. If I don't like you can I assault your daughter??

  3. Not at all. It is her job to teach her child about sexual education. If she has not instilled wiser choices in her child or her child ignored them, so be it. Government is not God, and usually destroys what it touches. Government is an immoral body that if unless controlled by society destroys the society and itself.  

  4. Why is Obama's drug use considered "off limits" and racist if it's questioned?  If you Obamabots really want to talk about morality and family values ... then let's open up the whole can of worms and have an honest conversation about Barack and Michelle's anti-white, anti-American activities.  Also, since Bristol's sexual activities are considered a legitimate issue.... let's make the Obama's prove their two minor children are actually virgins and not sexually active themselves.  

    Now, do you see why Palin's 17 year old daughter should be off limits, or do you really want to continue going down that disgusting path?

  5. They are off limits because they don't want people to confront them on their behavior!

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