
Why are "Global Warming Worshippers" angry all the time? Any questions that deni it are met with insults?

by Guest31720  |  earlier

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My Dad always told me that if a question gets a angry negitive reaction then the person answering the question is quilty or is hiding the truth.




  1. I hope that you understand that your question is intended and will be received as an insult.

    When we ask questions  of the general form " Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Only yes of no!"

    We are leaving no possibility of an innocent plea.

    Your question appears to fall into that category.

    And I am not trying to insult you, however much that might or might not be warranted. It is the form of your question that I take issue with.

  2. Global Warming is the current issue of the one time decades ago it was Global Cooling...go figure.  There is probably a lot of money in Global Warming activism.

  3. Well its because you miss the whole point of global warming.  Its not about saving the planet its about enslaving the planet.

    I'd be inclined to listen to the gorebull warming horde if they had one single solution that didn't involve increasing taxes, limiting individual freedom, or increasing the power of government.   But there isn't such a solution because the whole point of worrying us over global warming is to reduce individual freedom, raise taxes and increase the power and scope of government.

  4. Good question.  In addition to the things mentioned by your Dad, one other thing that is a sign that the global warmers worry about the weaknesses of their theory is that they say that the debate is over, no need to do entertain any other theories.  They belittle competing theories instead of entertaining and investigating them in the name of science.  

    Many leading meteorologists do not believe in man-made global warming.

  5. They insult us cause they think they are better and have won the battle, not even close!

  6. yeah it is a bunch of c**p and I have been messin with these guys for about a year now on in all reality one has to remember that you can argue with an idiot......but you can never anymore I get on here every so often just to see what the idiots are saying now.... But to answer your question your right they have no idea what they are doing and hide behind others who also don't know what they are talking about.....................

  7. I didn't even know there was a section for global warming.  That's the most asinine thing I've seen in awhile.

  8. Could be the reason I never got out of a speeding ticket? Sometimes I do feel that advocates often over emphasize certain points. Some things they highlight are usually minor consequences of a bigger issue. Same with the contrarians, no one can escape emotional cascades. There's just the degree of expression.

  9. But by the Grace of God there go I.

  10. I suspect that it's the mixture of arrogance and ignorance that some who understand the science of global warming find a little annoying. Perhaps if those that don't have any science training or have never read the scientific literature on the subject were a little more humble and respectful when then wrote questions, some civil and educational discourse might actually occur around here :-)

  11. Your Dad might also have said that people can get angry answering the same stupid questions over and over again.


    Most scientists don't believe in global warming - this is a lie

    Co2 doesn't cause warming - this is just stupid

    Volcanoes produce more Co2 than humans - not even close to the truth!

  12. Your dad's right. A vast majority of people on this site don't have a clue what they're talking about, and they don't care that they're wrong because they can hide behind the anonimity of the internet. Personally, I find this section quite funny. There is no section on this forum with as many crazy people as Global Warming. It isn't real, people.

  13. I'm sure Dad also told you not to exaggerate.

    People who support the concept of global climate change are not worshippers.  No need for childish name calling, is there?  And though some of the people in this group come off as having an angry tone or edge, I think some of that is frustration in seeing the same questions and types of questions posted over and over, and they want to get past that, into the core of the arguments.  How much have people impacted climate change, and how fast will the process unfold? Can we adapt?  Can nature?

    On the other hand, I seem to notice -- and scroll through a few screens of questions and you'll see I'm right on this -- the skeptics and deniers seem to sling dirt (name calling, for instance) far more than the supporters.  The tone isn't angry so much as ... mean.  I don't understand it, and it saddens me, but like the people who cut me off on the road and make cavalier lane changes that make me hit the brakes, I know I can't really do anything about it.  

    But I can try to answer questions as well as I can, based on the research I've done to date.  I continue to collect sites and read information.  Today I found a document that's 613 pages long.  I read the opening page, and will probably skip to the conclusion, but it's quite possible I'll be able to go back and reference sections here and there.

    So, not a worshipper, unless you want to say that I revere our natural world and have seen so many beautiful places that I feel I have a vested interest in trying to help this planet by doing what I can.  So, not angry.  Disappointed, maybe.  Like with my son, tonight, going out to see a midnight showing of the new "Indianna Jones" movie when he has a final tomorrow.  

    He didn't listen to his mom or his dad on that one.  So I'm glad you listen to yours.  But you need to match his words with your actions.  Don't be angry to the point that you have to employ name calling in asking a simple question.

  14. It's true that they insult anyone that disagrees with them. Even the ones that don't throw insults at them (And to me I don't find calling them AGW Worshippers insulting, since that's what they are. It also goes along with them calling the skeptics - deniers. So doing the scientific method on this: If one group are considered deniers than the conclusion is that the other group must be believers and another word for a believer is a worshipper. I kow I believe in and worship God.)

    They also are getting angry due to the fact the climate isn't cooperating with them, it's actually starting to cool again, so they have to scramble to find ways to make everyone who was on the bandwagon not jump off, by stating that Global Warming is causing the coolig trend. Pretty crazy don't cha think?

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