
Why are "manly men" so villified by feminists?

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Okay, so I'm a manly type of guy. I have a typical alpha-male mentality, I don't take c**p from anyone, I listen to heavy metal and country, I play with guns for a living (Quite legally, mind you), and I eat red meat by the truckload.

By all accounts, I'm a bad-@ss m*therfucker.

Anyhow, getting back to my question... why is it so wrong in a feminist's eyes for a guy to be an alpha-male, manly type of guy? I've noticed that being myself around a few idiot feminist friends of my girlfriend's, results in me being looked at like I'm satan, or something.

Mind you, I have no problem with women's rights. So what gives?




  1. I find men like you unattractive, be it in terms of physique or personality. You have nothing to offer me.

  2. I'm a feminist and have no problem with "manly" men.

    However, i suspect if your friends have a problem with you its because you come over as a chauvinist in some of your comments perhaps.  The fact you feel you have to defend your masculinity suggests you are a little threatened by feminism and maybe you come across badly to these women.

    It might be worth remembering femininity and masculinity are socially constructed. Gender is fluid, we take on gender roles as we grow up and immitate those of our s*x around us.  Therefore your alpha maleness is a social construction as is women's femininity.  You also make choices to enhance your masculine image - such as the music you listen to, playing with guns etc.  It's an adopted role you've taken on - perhaps more so because machoness is so important to you.  It is not something inherent in you.

    Personally i rather like macho type men and i am a feminist through and through.  Not so much a fan of chauvinistic men though.

  3. well the "manly man" could mean different things for different people.

        But from the description your giving you sound more like an a***e..

    Me I associate toughness, intelligence, strength, wisdom and courage  as attributes of my own definition of a "manly man".

    The term "manly man" is an ideal that men strive for.

       The feminist movement is about breaking the heart and soul's of men so any ideal or source of strength visualized by men is attacked by feminist criminals.

          I do not know if they merely want us as weak partners,slaves or dead. But I do know feminists do not want equal partners.


        But ask yourself this, why does your girlfriend associate with these people?

         Maybe because she is just putting up a show for you?

    Either way talk to her about how her friends treat you badly and how you don't like it.

    Do not suggest she drop them, she must come to that conclusion herself. You can only open her eyes to it.

    But if she has no problem with the status qou then for your own long term happiness,health, financial stability dump her and move on.


    I have had friends whose gf I could not stand for one reason or another but I stayed polite and courteous as a sign of respect for my friends(unless they asked about it or they where "heading off of a cliff" I would speak to them in private about it).

    Feminist's are amusing though. Never blame the victim... unless it is a man. lol priceless.

  4. I think it is because we won't take none of their B.S. and aren't afraid to tell them they are acting stupid when we catch them acting stupid.

    We tell them they are full of Bull when it is necassary and they don't like anything but agreement with their emotional needs.


  5. If you are repeatedly getting funny looks from people it means something you are doing or saying is weirding them out.  

    I would surmise you have very poor social skills; look into it.

    Time for introspection, not projection.

    Good luck.

  6.!  Anyone looking?!@  Ok this is it...(politically incorrect word deleted) they want all the women for themselves...and you are a threat to them.  How dare you plant your seed without asking permisson!  In triplicate of course and addressed to Sir..    

    Maybe they were either traumatized by a man and/or were born er not hetero. Or they can just have a massive brain with a lack of humor...who knows, everything pisses them off except p*ssy


    A 100 years ago men oppressed them so they figure they can knock the snot out of us and get even?!@

  7. It doesn't take a feminist to dislike your type of guy.  I don't know any women who would be drawn to you but then my friends are civilized.  I agree whole-heartedly with the person who said that you must have poor social skills.

  8. Feminists have a problem with sexist men, not manly men.  As you support women's rights then you should be ok with feminists but perhaps you look too macho and they assume you are a chauvenist.

  9. I like manly men,,as long as they arent sexist.

  10. Maybe the reason they look askance at you is because you think of them as idiots. It's not exclusive to feminists to not like someone who makes it obvious they don't like you.

    Also given the fact you don't like these friends of your girlfriend, could it be that you play up your alpha male around them a little... just to be irritating?

    I'm not immune to the temptation myself. I'm a bit pedantic at the best of times but if I'm around people I don't care for and know that I can annoy them by playing up my intelligence I just can't resist the temptation to quote Oscar Wilde.

  11. Feminists feel threatened by them.

  12. Manly men are not villified, misogynyst inadequates are!

  13. You eat meat by the truckload.  Well that makes you a real man, lol.  You must have something about you that ticks off the fems.  I'm guessing it's your massive ego.

  14. well i am from England and guns arent legal here and we also do not have country music really so i cant say i have ever met anyone with these interests. i also did have rifle training and practice when i was in the air force but I dont think operating a weapon made me a man or a woman really.

    I eat red meat as does my whole family so I dont know how thats got anything to do with being a man. I dont take c**p from anyone either and nor does anyone male or female who I associae with so I dont know how any of this makes you a 'manly man' really.

  15. Because back in the day when women had to fight to vote, have a job and do anything really, the "manly men" were the ones stopping them.

    But anyone our age today hasn't really had to fight that much for feminism because there was no one saying girls should not have rights, so i suppose its just your stereotype that they are opposed to because of feminism's past.

    sorry, its not really fair. nothing ever is.

  16. Lol fu*k the FemiNazi's. real women are attracted to real men, with a nice attitude & easy going. FemiNazi's are so stupid, they are trying to change the laws of attraction. "Fat women are beautiful!" "We are entitled!" "Let fat be beautiful so we can sit and eat all day!" "Yay!"

  17. Feminists don't dislike manly men. But most of us can spot a pretender a mile off, which is kind of threatening to the type of fella who introduces himself by saying "I'm an alpha male".

    Cheers :-)

  18. I'm right there with you love my guns love my steaks an don't telling people what they don't want to hear.

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