
Why are railroads a major means of transportation in Europe?

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Why are railroads a major means of transportation in Europe?




  1. Small cars, no parking spaces, high gas prices,and small countries. Easy to travel by trains because most big European cities have good subways to get around town,

  2. The correct answer is because in European countries the railroad is either owned, or heavily subsidized by the government. In North America the railroads are private enterprises that can only operate if they can make enough profit to cover their expenses.  Amtrak (National Passenger Rail Corporation) receives very little subsidy from the government.

  3. Because the people who design the road network cannot make it happen.If all the people on the train went by road it would only be worse.

  4. prolly cuz Europeans are stuck in the past and cant get it threw their heads that America is so much better

  5. Lots of reasons, population density is part of it.

    There are just too many people to move on highways, the cities are old and built on a closer more crowded scale so to build bigger highways and the necessary parking lots in the middle of those cities is horrifically expensive and totally unnecessary

    Trains move freight or people for far far less fuel and pollution than any other way, and in a right-of-way that is no wider than a two lane road.

    Travel by train is far safer per passenger mile than on highways, especially in Europe where many of their highways are quite narrow and more dangerous than our interstate highways.

    Just makes sense in every way you can think of.

  6. Because its a much more efficient way of moving large quantities of people and freight than by road.Sean you have obviously never traveled after you learn to spell it might be an idea.Regards from the country that invented the railways.

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