
Why are ready made sandwiches (in shops obviously) always triangular?

by  |  earlier

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Not that I have anything against triangles, but why are they never square, surely they would stack better? And who decided they should always be triangles and not squares in the first place?




  1. it's simple really.  a triangle consists of three sides while your square sandwich has four sides.  odd numbers is the key here.  they are more appealing.  always arrange your food with odd numbers (3, 5, or 7) and you will find them more appealing.  five shrimp look nicer than four or six.

    it's the same in art; structured squares are "hard" while angles and curves are "soft."

  2. i think it's because something about having a large diagonal makes the sandwitch look bigger to the eye and like you are getting more food for the price.  

  3. It is prettier that way. Eye appealing sells!!!

  4. I think they do that so they dont look like your average homemade sandwich. It is all about appearances. If it looks like you made it at home, why would you buy it at a store? Just my opinion.

  5. If you think about how the full meal looks on the plate, it just makes more sense to cut the sandwich into triangular shapes, then you can arrange it on the plate with chips, fries, potato salad, etc. in the V that that creates. I guess you could do the same thing with rectangles, but it wouldn't look as good. I have cooked professionally all my life and that is why I do it that way.

  6. i like triangles

  7. looks fancier  

  8. for presentation.

  9. lol i like your name... good point

    are you talking about how they slice them from corner to corner, so it makes a triangle out of each half?

    ive never understood that either.

  10. It is because by cutting the sandwiches in triangular shape, It wont waste any excessive bread/sandwich. As you slice diagonally along the square sandwich shape, it will give two triangles. also it will be a faster process for the producers.

  11. I think it's about the way they look. For one thing, they tend to appear larger that way, and for another, triangles are more appealing (at least to me ha ha).

    Plus if you put them on display it's easier to see their contents. It's just nicer that way.

  12. I think they would look funny circular.

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