
Why are red onions much more expensive than white onions?

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At least they are in my part of the UK. I don't know if this applies universally?




  1. They taste better.

  2. Because they are a lot nicer and sweeter

  3. Red onion yield is not as go as White

  4. They taste so much nicer!

  5. red onions are more prone to disease than their bitter white counter parts so the farmer yeilds a smaller crop for more work than the humble white so the price has to be put up on red onions to cover the extra working costs of farming them.

    short and sweet answer kinda like a red onion lol.

  6. Because they are harder to grow and fewer people grow them.  I have grown them before, but have had little success with getting any size out of them.

  7. Red onions are more labor intensive because of all the red dye that has to be injected into them to give them the red color....just kidding.....

    The USDA here in the states tells me that they are a higher grade of onion.  Red onions are considered to be salad onions and that they are a little bit harder to grow than the yellow or white onions.

    So that is what makes the red onions more expensive than the white or yellow onions.

  8. you need a colour license to grow and transport them lol

  9. cuz their red i guesS?

    nahhh im just kiddin. i dunno i never noticed. maybe it is cuz you live in the UK?

    sorry i shouldntve answered this question cuz i dont know the answer and i know im gunna get a c**p load of thumbs downs. oh well!


  10. yea itz just because of itz beautiful color....but mostly they taste exactly the same as yellow or white onions..itz like askin why did white people have more privliges than blacks..just because of the makes No sense relle lol cuz on the inside there all the same..

  11. cos they are not  found in mosty countries and they are scarcity of it in d market

  12. because people are willing to pay more for them.

    see link for more stuff about onions

  13. They are more susceptible to onion rot and therefore do not do well in a wet summer. Simple economics -supply & demand- people will pay more for something that is scarce.

  14. Maybe the Red Onion is organic,...and the White Onion comes from a plant that has been genetically altered and sprayed with pestasides. The Non-organic type of vegtables are usually cheaper, but you'll pay with your health.

  15. It's a matter of economics; nothing to do with taste or problems of production.

    For some reason, red onions are specified more often in recipes than are white-skin onions or the normal brown-skin ones.  It may also be seasonal, related to salads, sauces, sandwiches and so on.  As a result, the demand exceeds the supply at some times and the wholesale price rises at the producers' auction.  That is passed on to the shop price.

    Actually, for hot cooking purposes, such as pasta sauces, curries and ragouts, big white Spanish onions are better in flavour.  For stews, casseroles and for grilling, the normal brown-skin onion is better in flavour and it shrinks better.

    The red onion thing has been promoted by celebrity chefs and it makes you wonder if they do that to show how exclusive and clever they are.  However, I have to agree that red onions look nice in salads and we all eat with our eyes to some extent !

  16. They are mosre expensive because:

    1. they taste a h**l of alot better

    2. less people grow them

    3. They look better on a salad

    4. All of the above means the cost increases.

    Hope that helps

  17. they have more colour

  18. Because red onions are a lot less severe than the white ones'

  19. probably becuase they are less common...

  20. It does in Ireland too...I really don't no why I was going to give a sarcastic answer but I would like to know myself..

    Could be because they are tastier...

  21. they have a sweeter taste..i like both

  22. Nothig to do with flavour, or where they come from. It is a simple matter of supply and demand.

  23. because they are pretty and look great in salads!!!

  24. Because they are RED : P

  25. they taste better and their prettier ;-)

  26. White onions are the chavs of the vegetable world - rough as h**l and no taste whatsoever.

    Red onions are far more sophisticated, eh what?

    Wouldn't see Rick Stein using a commono white onion would you!

  27. Do you know how long that it takes to rub down and respray each one ?

  28. They are more expensive in northern California, too.

    I would guess that they are less popular - I certainly prefer yellow or white onions in most dishes - and therefore fewer are grown, which makes them more expensive.

    Here, white onions are also more expensive than yellow.

    Do you have access to Vidalia onions? A most amazing, sweet, very large, yellow onion grown in certain areas of (I think) Georgia (The US state, not the country.) Yum! Probably too expensive to ship that far.


  29. Red onions are as easy to grow as white or yellow onions.

    The problem is, red onions are highly perishable. They don't keep worth a darn.

    And people *prefer* red onions. I think when Jimmy Buffet sang of "Heaven on earth with an onion slice", he was thinking of a Bermuda....

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