
Why are republicans placing so much value on the useless inaccurate polls?

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Listening to them you would think the polls are God Like!!!!! instead of just another B.S tool used by corrupted politicians to STICK their B.S WHAT do you think?




  1. It gives them the impression that their guy still has a chance, is still in the race.  As soon as the public is reminded of the things that bush used against him in not one but two elections, he will dry up and blow away.

    Who would vote for a guy that couldn't beat a man who is challenging for the title of "worst president in the history of this country".

  2. Ohhh and when your chosen Messiah Obama the Great had a lead you couldnt stop reminding us about it could ya? Now that lead is fading and now we cant stop hearing you whine and cry about it ! First its Obama is way ahead in he Zogby poll or this poll or this poll and now youve been reduced to making the point that polls are worthless arent ya? Just a never ending stream of excuses for your beloved candidate in one form or another ! Very sad very sad indeed!

  3. both sides do this equally, statics and polls can be manipulated to demonstrate how popular ones view is

  4. Who in particular? I have not heard many Republicans who trust polls. Quite the opposite in fact.

  5. I agree polls are fairly useless, but both sides trumpet them when it goes in their favor.

  6. It called scared and panic of losing...........

  7. I think you must be referring to Democrats who were carrying around piles of poll data as Obama led the polls for months and months.  Then suddenly when McCain jumped ahead, the seemed to forget what a poll is entirely.

    Poll data is not mean to be taken literally.  Certain things do have some meaning though.  Going from a 7 point Obama lead in July to a 5 point McCain lead in August is worth noting. It doesn't mean McCain is definitely going to win by any means. What it shows is that appeal of McCain is growing and people might be getting tired of the Lord Obama show that's been on TV for months now.  

  8. I think both sides are guilty of bringing up polls that favor their guy.  I do have to say, though, that when Obama had a 7 point lead, we had all sorts of lectures from Repubs on YA about how all the polls were fixed by dem-loving media outlets and didn't reflect what was actually going on.  Now that it is basically a statistical tie, you are seeing a lot more Republicans talking about polls.  Human nature, I guess.

    Doesn't matter, the only poll that matters is the one on the first Tuesday of November.

    P.S....latest polls show Obama by 4 points :)

  9. Polls are useless.

    The MSM and the DNC have learned that when their candidates post good polling numbers the base doesnt show up to vote on election day..

    Dont expect to see any polling showing Obama way out in front like I expect he really is.... The puppet masters dont want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for a third presidential election in a row.

    Penn and teller did a great piece on polling and Frank Luntz.. look it up on youtube.. I wont post a link here due to language.

  10. polls are just something to talk about, I guess...

    but it seems everyone has forgot that the polls in the last two presidential elections were wrong...

    always nosnod

  11. If you go to search in May of this year they were saying the opposite.  They are winning.  What I think about it is just a indicator that Americans or the percentages that they are polling still wants the benefits of white dominance and are not ready to give it up.  

  12. Never believed in the polls as of yet.  Look at Kerry, Gores and Dukacus polls they all showed them ahead at this point and then they went down over the last few months.  I have more confidence in logical statistics and as it stands Obama does not have a chance.  It is actually the Democrats whom bring up the polls from my experience.  

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