
Why are republicans so agitated about Obama's staging this evening?

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When Bush used d**n near IDENTICAL staging to accept his nomination in 2004

I guess it's OK when a war mongering deficit spending a***e does huh?




  1. You should do some fact checking before you ask retarded questions.  Get on youtube and tale a look genius!!!!!  His backdrops, props, sets, etc were nothing like the monolithic and austentatios garbage going on in Denver.  Check it out.  Neither 2000 or 2004.  I'm not a big fan of Dubya either but you obviously are just another party slave that will do or say anything for the "boss".  

  2. I think it is great that he has opened it to the public.  McCain would do that....but he wouldn't be able to fill the seats.  

  3. if its like the democratic primaries it will be another three ring circus.

  4. WHO'S "agitated"?.......I think it's going to be hilarious!!

  5. I don't think Republicans are agitated about it. I think it is just silly that they are setting up Obama as a Greek God. It may not be the best idea to get him elected.

  6. It's because they have no issues to criticize him for.

    So far the retards have used:

    His middle name

    Phony email forwards

    Criticizing him for being popular "rock star"

    His experience(Bush proved experience is irrelevant)

    His skin color

    Mis-quoting his book.

    His school

    His religion(Christianity)

    The fist bump incident

    Flag pins

    Hand over his heart

    His parents religion

    His parents ethnicity

    Turn on Fox News right now. I can guarantee you they're discussing Obama and it's not about the issues. Turn on Fox News next week during the RNC and I'll bet you they will be still bashing on Obama.

  7. The Republicans are worried, because our party is coming together. I don't understand why they wont let us have our week, its just one week...One week where the Democrats are the star, next week the republicans are. Then we start the official "path to election day."

  8. Because they can't even fill a hockey stadium so they are pissed. The republicans media machine is run by people whom are not in touch with current technology just like how their candidate is not in touch with the people.

    You have republicans outside the DNC acting like fools only adding to the numbers in Colorado. I am glad to see so many people involved in this election kinda like Tiger Woods when he first started to tour.

  9. They're scared to death, that's why.

    Here's a guy that people really like. That doesn't bode well for swift-boaters, hate merchants and warmongers.

    Republicans never use staging, right? "Mission Accomplished!" - That one cost us - ALL of us - millions of dollars. And it was a lie.

  10. I am no longer sure that Obama is the real Obama. I am sure that McCain is no "Maverick." This election is just a bigger, more expensive version of high school politics.

  11. Not agitated, just amused. This Obama guy is a real knee-slapper.

  12. They have short memories.

    They dressed their guy in a flightsuit to celebrate "Victory in Iraq" a while back.

    NOTHING that Obama EVER does will top that spectacle.


  13. Green is the color of envy and angry they beat 'em to the punch.

  14. I was a Republican but the insanity of it drove me away.  Some nice slogans, but thats about all they have.  They love to hate.  No reason, they just are natural born haters.  So do not look for any rationality or consistency in them, they are psychos.  Not all to be sure, just most.

  15. Because Republicans are against Obama they feel they have to constantly criticize him but they have nothing substantial to say so they blow these type of non issues out of proportion. Desperation makes people do weird things

  16. Most of what I'm seeing is more mocking than agitated.

    If the One wants to proclaim his ascendancy to the masses in His temple, why would that agitate us?

  17. I don't remember any democrat talking about the staging... do you?

    just goes to show all the real issues that they have to focus on... hahaha...

    when you're wrong on the issues... you don't like to talk about them...

  18. Absolutely no republican or conservative is "agitated"; they think it is really funny.  They are making jokes about it... scheduling toga parties during the speech.  

  19. There pissed off that Obama, is more of a regular down to earth guy. Examples, vacation in hawaii with family, vp text message, football stadium speech.

    This guy is great, and he is showing that he is just like every normal American, that is tired of lobbyists and special interests groups, running the president.

    Thats why I like Obama, he only accepts donations from the American people and he is still #1

  20. For the same reason that people who don't like GWB jump all over every last little thing he does. When a person doesn't like another person, he or she looks for things to criticize.

  21. Republicans are agitated? Aren't they always?

  22. GOPers like to carp about BDS.  (Bush Derangement Syndrone)  Well this is ODS.  (Obama Derangement Syndrone)

  23. Republicans enjoy sowing discord.

  24. I am not, I was going to make spicy burritoes, with popcorn after to make sure I can f**t throughout his whole teleprompter reading speech! Gas helps me laugh louder, too. I can't wait!

  25. Because they have nothing else to talk about.

  26. Name one you Obama puppet.  You're Putin BS out there and we know it kid.

  27. the only things missing are swastika's and torches

  28. i dont' think anyone is "agitated".  i think they are just playing politics.  i dont think the democrats would do anything different.

  29. Because Obama isn't going to be talking about any of the important issues. Hes just going to get everyone's energy up and deliver a good speech.

    Pretty much hes gonna be like Clinton of JFK.

    He isn't going to talk about any of the issues today .

    How he keeps flip flopping decisions.

    How the economy is growing.

    How the surge is working.

    He's just going to be bashing McCain.

  30. hypocrisy and double standards are their life.

    I am over 50 and never in my entire life have I seen so much bashing toward a parties convention.  

    I can't believe that amount of hate coming from the "right".  Personally, I hold people like Limbaugh and Hannity responsible for it.  They have been preaching it for years and have succeeded in bitterly dividing this nation in a way that no terrorist could ever have dreamed of doing.

  31. It was designed by the same guy that designed Britneys stage. Gee maybe that ad claiming Obama is a celebrity like Britney is pretty close to the truth!  

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