
Why are republicans so mean?

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lol is it because they realize they cannot have another 4 years of GWB and the only reason they can attempt to scare voters is by going negative?

its a poor attempt from McCain when he bashed Hilary in the primaries for doing it, and tried to say he wouldn't go negative. AND YET i just seen a commercial endorsed by him saying how obama "isn't ready to run this country" having experience doesn't make you automatically the best person for that job.

someone explain this. please?




  1. Brrringggg.  The bell is ringing.  Time to get back to romper room.  Understanding issues, history, qualifications, experience (and what it means) is what mature voters try to figure in.  But you can make your decisions based on tv commercials.

    You see no lies, you see something you don't like, but you wouldn't know a political lie if it took your bratz dolls away.

    History proves that negative advertising works, just look at the Clinton campaign or any liberal post here.  Most of the posts are about hate....

    And fwiw I am not a republican.  If you don't like being discriminated against because you are 14, (discriminated against, ha ha, children are protected not discriminated against)  how do you explain all the hate posts about McCain being 72?

  2. McCain and Obama are both crappy choices.  

  3. You are a living example of everything 'conservatives' despise in the youth of today. With your question you are a liberal in their eyes, impressionable and brainwashed with very little life experience with which to base your question. Your age however does not dismiss the truth or your own ability to sort through the chaff to find the wheat. I applaud you for being involved and informed at an early age, it will help you later when it's time for you to vote. Most of us were very idealistic when we were young but somewhere along the line of life too many of us lose the ability to care about others. Watch young one, watch this convention and watch the republicans convention. I'll tell you now the republicans will use fear of terrorism and wrap it up in the flag of patriotism and national security, they'll also use the fear of g**s and lesbians and wrap that intolerance in the cloak of family values. Finally they'll tell their base and any other Americans gullible enough to believe them that democrats will tax and spend them into oblivion and to vote republican, even after their own dismal record on fiscal matters.

  4. Google "Psychopath"

  5. Keep on thinking for yourself, you're doing great.  Both sides can be mean, that is true.  But in this election cycle it seems like it is not mean to raise issues like Wright and so on, but no one dares to talk about Cindy McCain stealing from her charity when whe was addicted to prescription painkillers and getting off with rehab and restitution, or about McCain and the Keating 5, or about whether or not being a pow is in fact any reason to make someone the president.  Kerry's wife was lambasted by repubs for being rich, but McCain's wife gets away with saying that her net worth is no one else's business.

    The republicans like to say things about dems, but whine like crazy when anyone goes after one of theirs.  Go figure.

  6. We're realistic, i hope to God that McCain is the VERY SAME as Bush, not because its good for me, but because i want to hear you democrats squeel like pigs for another 8 years

  7. We are mean because the liberals keep STEALING our money.

  8. You, my friend have never discussed politics with a Liberal. You might get your tires slashed for disagreeing with them. But a consertive might say god bless you. So I guess that is mean also.

  9. The Republican party has been doing very well selling fear.  Their message this year is "you think things are bad now, just wait until the BLACK guy gets into office!"

    They tried the same thing in 1992 -- claiming that Clinton would raise taxes and damage the economy further (Reagan and Bush Sr. had driven the economy into recession).  Clinton did raise taxes and we had eight years of peace and prosperity.  Clinton left a budget surplus, which the next Bush squandered BEFORE 9/11 took its toll.

    The only way these clowns can win another election is to scare people into voting against their best interests.

  10. People get mean when their desperate.  

  11. So you saw a commercial where McCain says Obama isn't ready to run this country?  Well Hillary said the same thing a few months ago.  So did Biden.  If you think that is "bashing" you haven't been around very long.  What do you think political commercials should be like?

    Also if you are 14 years old, you don't have a CLUE yet what real life is & what it takes to make a living & be able to keep your hard earned cash instead of giving it to lazy people who don't want to work.


  12. Typical liberal, getting all her facts from political adds.

    Because political adds are always correct,,,, well at least the ones I want to believe are correct.

    Because Obama never slings mud, and global warming is not a scare tactic.

    Because race is not an issue, it is thee issue.

    Maybe you should practice getting your grammar and spelling correct, before you start being a political analysts.

  13. And here we have a perfect example of why children are not allowed to vote until they turn 18. You are not being discriminated for being 14, or for being Black. You're being dismissed because you don't have what it takes to comprehend politics, and you're too easily influenced by pie-in-the-sky Democrat "promises".

    Go back and play in the kiddie pool, junior.

  14. Why is it that when you ask a conservative a political question, he/she will respond "I think ..., because of ...", and you ask a liberal the same question the response is "I feel this way because it make me feel good, or it gives me hope."  I wish liberals would start thinking the issues through with some logic, but I guess if that actually happened we wouldn't have any more liberals.

    By the way, your age or race doesn't matter, it's what you are saying.  The comment you made was that McCain was mean for saying that Obama has no experience.  That is very definitely true and recognized by his own party.  So therefore, McCain is not a liar in saying it.

  15. 14? You've got a lot to learn. Do your homework.

  16. They are not mean they are actually arrogant, selfish, out-of-touch, big government wanting, liars.

    Actually you are right that can definitely be an interpretation of mean  

  17. Hillary also originally said Obama wasn't experienced or qualified to be President - and worse, Biden also originally said the same thing, and he's now the VP pick!

    Mean is as mean does - it's not a republican exclusive by any means.

  18. Why are Democrats so dense? It is not negative to point out a candidates short comings. A negative ad would be to say don't vote for Obama because he is stupid.

  19. Don't worry...nobody listens to the Republicans anymore. Bush has destroyed their credibility.

  20. Republicans have no monopoly on meanness. It's just a lot easier to see it in people with whom we disagree!

  21. Hmm pretty funny, because the last 2 elections were lost by Dems too, even though Bush was the candidate.....

  22. Because the truth isn't always rainbows and butterflies.  If you want to know who you're voting for, you have to look into their backgrounds.  It's not "mean" to know about Obama's dealings with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, Tony Rezko, or Khalid Rashidi.  It's just being informed.

  23. I have no idea...some aren't mean..they are SOME decent ones, lol.  

  24. >>>i just seen a commercial endorsed by him saying how obama "isn't ready to run this country" having experience doesn't make you automatically the best person for that job>>>

    Just a few months ago, Hillary was saying the exact same thing about Obama.  Does that make her "mean" as well?

    Saying that someone is inexperienced isn't "mean," my friend.  It's reality.


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