
Why are republicans so racist smearing Obama by calling him Hussein?

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What is wrong with Hussein as a name? Last I checked unlike John or George it hadn't killed 100,000 to 600,000 innocent Iraqis!




  1. what the h**l are you talking about? I'm in Iraq so if you don't know what you are saying then stop talking. People with names like Hussain are killing these people and us too..and people with the name Hussain where on planes on 9/11 how soon you guys forget.  

  2. Heussein is his name.  You have your facts wrong about Iraq.

  3. Because thats the last pathetic form of low life criticizim Republicans can come up with when they are getting thrashed in the polls.

    And Mccain wants to BOMB IRAN SPREAD THE NEWS!!!

  4. What I found more shocking is that the GOP crowd was 99.9% white while Obama's audience was multiracial.

    The GOP only seems to reflect old white people.  

  5. And caused the death of 10,000 American soldiers, This is the mentality of the John

    McSame/George Bush supporters....I'm so sad for them....

  6. no, it did kill lots of innocent people and then ended up getting hanged...remember?

  7. i think Obama has more problems then just his Hussein

    name..Obama is an empty suit and in two months people will

    have a chance to either elect him on his merits or reject him

    At this time it don't look like a shoe in for anyone

    Time will tell who is going to steal the most votes.

    there will be a lot of voter fraud in this election

  8. Well, apparently you find something wrong with it, because YOU label anyone who uses it a "racist!"


  9. Exactly,

    That's the thing I don't understand about the GOP.  They are suppose to be base on Christian value but some of them are the most mean spirited and racist people. The GOP love to use fear and hate mongering to get votes. I guess people who are into that are supporters of GOP. They love hate and division. Obama is about love and united people of different races. When I see the new report of the RNC convention, all I see is white people. (=

  10. Its racist to call him by his Middle name?

    Nothing wrong with being a racist to a two faced racist.  

  11. Because racism is at the very core of most Rebublicans. They reveal their anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism by calling him. B. Hussein Obama.

  12. No, it killed several thousand on 9/11.  Why is it dems can't ever remember that?

  13. Because, they need to get over the fact that more and more interracial children are born everyday, and that anyone that is qualified can be president, whether it be man or woman, white, black, yellow, green, purple, etc. his name has nothing to do with what kind of person he is.

    Why do you all label him just because he has the same name as a terrorist?

  14. It's some form of Retardation called Republican Down Syndrome.

  15. If there is nothing wrong with the name, why do you view it as a smear when someone just mentions Barack Hussein Obama's full name?  Feeling a little defensive are we?  Methinks thou doth protest too much.  

  16. I wasn't aware that the Arabic word for 'Handsome' was a racist slur. Do you really think it is?

  17. it's his name.

    if he doesn't like it, then change it to harold or something.

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