
Why are residents of New Orleans being allowed back already?

by Guest34454  |  earlier

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Isn't this city due for two more major storms in the coming weeks? What are they going to do, re-evacuate everyone in 4 days? :\ Yeah, that "makes" a lot of sense




  1. First off, not every hurricane is aimed for New Orleans.The next tropical storm, Hanna, which is now in the Bahamas is very likely to skirt the east coast of Florida and hit the South Carolina / Georgia area which is a great distance from NOLA. The next storm (Ike)appears to be in the same wind track as Hanna and, at this point of time looks like another run up the eastern seaboard.

    Right now New Orleans may end up being the safe place to be for these other two storms!  

  2. cuz bush is stupid

  3. Hannas not coming here and its to early to tell for Ike. So your question is irrelvant at this time.

  4. hannas will fade out ,by the time it gets to New Orleans

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