
Why are restrooms not soundproofed?

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In most cases, public restrooms are loud and many home restrooms have an echo(with the door closed). WHY?




  1. For ventilation purposes.

  2. Public restrooms are designed not to be soundproof, because that can be dangerous in emergency situations. Imagine a person who is going to pass out and tries to shout / make noise for getting some help - in a soundproof restroom, no one would be able to hear him or her. Or if someone has a heart attack, and tries to bang the wall / door - in a sound proof restroom, it would not draw the appropriate attention required to immediately help the person in distress. Medically, the faster the help reaches such a person, the better it is for his life. That's another reason that American public restrooms are designed with a smaller door with space between the floor and lower edge of the door. This is done to allow a peek at the floor, in case someone has already passed out on the floor and is not responding, so that a passerby will be alerted and emergency help can be summoned quickly. Even at home, similar principles apply.

  3. Partly because of ventilation, and emergency reasons. But also we all know what happens in restrooms, so why be embarrassed. Its a natural thing. Granted, I still try to be quiet and respectable when I do my business.

  4. I dont know but it makes for an uncomfortable time when your taking a dump and trying to not let anyone hear you

  5. It's cheap to keep it that way. Soundproofing would be nice, but I'd settle for 2-ply toilet tissue.

  6. I don't really know. But I hate doing a no2 and everyone being able to hear what you're doing. At my home you can hear what people are doing on the loo whether it's a 1 or 2. I hate it but also we don't have a lock on our door, which isn't really private at all. I have someone walk in on me before thankfully is was my friend Catherine who I didn't mind doing it. Thankfully it weren't a boy. hate loo's in public they aren't clean most of them. I just absolutely hate everyone hearing you.

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