
Why are rich people so snooty?

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I was wondering why rich people are always so snooty and why they show off there money and get big houses with big pools and let non rich people so mad?




  1. to fill their empty lives they buy things, then show them off to legitimize themselves

  2. hahahhaa idk i wish i was rich :0)

  3. What does this question have to do with monarchy? General Society and Culture would have been a better spot for your question!

    You are mistaken to think that it is only rich people who are snooty.Middle-class and poor people can be just as snooty.I've probably been on the earth much longer than you(nearly 50 years) and have dealt with snooty people of all the social classes.

    Many people who are rich worked very hard to earn their wealth.They can buy anything that they want.Some of the lower social class rich people--yes social class and economic class are two different things-- do tend to be loud-mouthed and showy.This is because they were not born to wealth and are not very secure with themselves.They think that by showing off people will think highly of them.But vulgar bad manners only earn them disdain of others.

    The rich who are born into that economic class tend to be very discrete with their wealth;sociologist  Paul Fussell in his book CLASS calls then the "Top out of Sight Class" because their large estates are hidden away from public eyes;these people do not want to be envied,they just want to enjoy their lives.

    People of all socio-economic classes often prefer to stay among the people they are most alike and share the same interests,ideas,education,background,


    Many of the rich are wary of people who are users,that is people who are only interested in the rich people's money and what they can get out of the relationship,so they are very wary of people that they do not know.

    It is not the rich people's fault that poor people are mad;it is the poor person's fault for being envious of what another person has.The poor person needs to expend that envy,a dangerous and draining emotion,into positive power.You want to be rich,you need to work very hard at a high paying job and also be a little lucky as well.

  4. because they think there better then everyone els.

  5. They are showing off at how much money they have! They like to rub it in peoples faces that they are better! And, some rich pple arent like that!

  6. Well, some people have grown up rich and don't know what it's like to not be. So they may find it weird going to restaurants or places of low expectations, or hanging out with people that aren't rich. Most people aren't generally like that though.

  7. if u wer rich i bet ud be no differant , its just in human nature to want to show off what youv got , i wouldnt tho cos im god

  8. I'm not snooty.

    You shouldn't generalize so much.

    Just because I have a big house and a big pool doesn't mean that I am trying to rub my wealth in anyones face.

    Maybe I like having a big house and a big pool and I really do not care what anyone else thinks of it?

  9. Because they are worried that oneday the all poor people on the planet are going to wake up and eat them.

  10. I enjoy nothing more than sitting at my pool lazing around doing nothing thinking of you lower class minions scrounging around on benefits whilst drinking ones pina colada its the highlight of ones day you want to get rich marry an old f**t who is very rich like oneself but i doubt it so much seeing as your a CHAV don't hate me because I'm rich hate yourself for being poor

  11. Not all of the rich are snooty =P You probably only see snooty rich people ><" Anyways, I understand why you think they show off their money and get big houses and stuff ^^ but think of it this way. If you had money wouldn't you spend it on luxury so you can be comfortable and enjoy yourself? I mean I don't think there is a human being on Earth who wouldn't want that (and even if there were I think that he/she'll have a hard time resisting that kind of life). I don't think its fair to judge the rich just because some rich people act snooty. There are many rich people who donate a lot to charities and orphanages to help others. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say xD


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