
Why are rich upper crusty born into wealth people called "Blue Bloods"?

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Why are rich upper crusty born into wealth people called "Blue Bloods"?




  1. The first two are right....and as far as being referred to as 'upper crust' that term came from the bread that was made long ago in ancient ovens...since the fire was underneath, the bottom of a loaf of bread always got blackened and burned.  The upper crust of that bread was reserved for the richer people and the lower crust was for guys like me.

  2. It actually refers to the blood lines of nobility.

  3. Because they are superior to all city laims.

  4. Well, I wouldn't call them crusty, but Blue Blood is a term that has been used since 1834 or earlier to refer to the nobility or aristocracy. The term probably came from a translation of the Spanish phrase sangre azul, which described the Spanish royal family and other high nobility. Though there is no actual connection between the phrase and the actual blood colour of nobility, in medieval European society, much of the upper class may have had superficial veins that appeared blue through their untanned skin, in contrast with the working class of the time, mainly agricultural peasants. During those times pale skin was thought to be attractive and a status symbol, which explains why many women, including Queen Elizabeth I, painted their faces with white makeup. My belief is that the term stemmed from a desire to create further division between the classes and make the aristocracy appear distinct from the lower classes. At any rate, the idiom "blue blood" is used in European languages.

  5. Blue Bloods is an old term that refers to not only a member of wealthy family, but a member of an established one (old moneyed).  It also refers to Nobility in the English, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Swedish, French, Dutch and Polish language, blue blood is used to denote noble birth. I think it as stemmed from the fact that the color Blue was seen as Regal more so than the color Purple. English Royal wear both.

  6. it started with Cardinal archbishop Borgia who believed in inbreeding to stabilize the royal line

  7. It goes back to the black death

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