
Why are roads not made straight ?

by  |  earlier

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why make difficult corners and bends




  1. Because the majority of roads were built with people in mind. They went past villages and towns and farms/houses rather than forcing the occupants to move and their houses destroyed. Cost wasn't a priority. Many of the Roman roads were very straight because the Romans wanted to get around as quickly as possible.

  2. To stop incompetants who can't steer from taking to the roads.

  3. where i live most roads where suppose to be made using grid that was somehow made from lake ontario. But some genius (emphasize on genius) city planners decided to use a grid pattern using another lake. So now the city now has roads built on 2 separate grid patterns. It made, lets say some "interesting" intersections

  4. Many are old rights of way between fields and are actually developed for a horse and cart.  

    I read sometime before the first motorway opened that there was a law in UK forbidding a road to go a certain distance without a bend. This was a safety measure and at least stops idiots using an auto - pilot on out roads and ensures that you have to steer the  thing  

  5. look !! try and think about this question ok , roads are really old tracks , thousands of years ago , when there were no vehicles at all , lots of wild animals , and perhaps a few homosapiens , our ancestors were hunters , explorers , and like our selves they tried to travel in  straight lines ok ! but then trees fell and blocked their normal route , rivers were created due to down pours , so they "went around " the obstacle , if  you travel to places in the remote jungles , today they do the very same thing , animals created the first "tracks" we just followed them !

  6. Roads always followed the borders of peoples land because the landowners would not allow them to be built straight across it

  7. The road system in the UK apart from M/way,s is in some respects thousands of years old,what started as a footpath for early man became a cattle or trade route and then a track for horse drawn carts or carriages.

    The advent of steam and cars made some railways,some tarmac roads as today.Hope this helps.

  8. well could you drive strait over mount everest?.......

  9. because the world is not flat.. and you have to turn sometimes or you would never come back to where you started and what so great about driving straight

  10. Because they need to go around things like rivers, and buildings, railways etc x

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