
Why are rubber bands slightly longer after being stretched?

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Why are rubber bands slightly longer after being stretched?




  1. Inelastic Deformation.

  2. i'm guessing because before being stretched, they're just a normal size. when you stretch them, you're expanding the contents of its makeup and these contents can, more than likely, not like to decrease back to its former size.

  3. becuase they like to grow

  4. 2 ways your answer can existi, 1: if u mean how can u stretch it is because rubber bnonds are crammed together because they wanna be closer to what they want wich is one another, 2: if u mean after staretching and letting back it is longer thhan before that is because some rubber bonds broke when u stretched it and they wont form again without some energy, thus they no longer wanna be near the other and the band gets longer (there are billions of bonds and only millions broke when u stretched it)

  5. When you pick up a new elastic band there is no tension in it.  When you stretch it all of the rubber polymer molecules are pulled into nearly a straight line, eliminating wasted space between molecules.  When you release it plastic memory tries to return it to its original shape, but the force to return it approaches zero as it nears the initial condition which can not restore all of the distortion between individual molecules.  Steel and glass are far more 'elastic' (within limits) and will return exactly to initial unstressed conditions.  

  6. It is the property of elasticity.

    When a force is acting on an elastic material the shape of the material changes…and when the external force is removed the material regains its original shape. However there is a limit for the material to regain its original shape. Some times it may loose its shape permanently and retain its deformed shape.

    So in your rubber band case also when the external force is small enough they will regain its original shape,,if the force is little more enough they will regain its shape but enlarges,

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