
Why are same-s*x relationships condoned in the U.S. but polygamy is not?

by Guest32544  |  earlier

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Why are g*y, L*****n, and same s*x relationships socially acceptable and condoned in the U.S. but plural marriage between consenting adults is not? In the U.S. we now have g*y priests and undercover religious and political leaders that would quickly condemn consentual polygamy. Why is there a double standard?




  1. I think people, wrongly so, think polygamous marriages are forced upon the woman or the women are pressured into this lifestyle, so they think it's "bad".  

  2. Actually, the last time I checked the stats, the majority of Americans don't condone same s*x marriages.  Homosexuals just get more than their share of media coverage.

    It may not be considered politically correct by liberals, but this country's roots run deep in Christianity.  As far as I'm concerned, God is still the authority on what constitutes a marriage.  He created it, and it should be protected as He ordained it.

    Any other kind of union recognized by our government should not be called a marriage, as that would be the equivalent to spitting in the face of God.

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