
Why are scandinavians taller than the average?

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Why are scandinavians taller than the average?




  1. Cause their parents were tall.

    PS Dutch are taller.

  2. Genetics.  I wish I had some exciting answer for you, but it's just genetics.

  3. Genetics. Diet. Compare with modern Dutch, Masai.


  5. Actually it has to do with diet and climate. Now that the various Scandinavian countries have good hygene the diseases that cut life short no longer have much effect. Here in the U.S. we tend to eat a lot of fast food which floods our bodies with growth hormones at young ages causing a fast growth spurt but limiting how many you have. Most Scandinavians still eat large amounts of cod which contains Omega-3 which is a vitamin that strengthens the body and acts as an anti-oxident. This diet causes them to have a slower but longer rate of growth. Also the school systems there have better fitness programs for kids.

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