
Why are school experiences so important for children?

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Why are school experiences so important for children?




  1. Outside of learning how to read and write (very important skill for survival)!!  Children learn responsibility and deadlines (turning in homework), doing tasks and studying subjects  that they don`t necessarily like (but have to do anyway) and on the other side of the coin, being exposed to many different subjects that they may enjoy or be good at doing! Also to be independent from parents and being under someone else`s authority,  socializing and making friends with others and also learning how to question or trust one`s own values.

  2. So they can learn.  And get a job when they turn 18.

  3. It is like foundation for 2marrow.if u have good foundation u will have good future.if the school expirences will decide the future course of next stage that is is like if you are good student then u will definately get into good college ,if u get good college u will get good career.

    so expirences play good role in deciding furure.

  4. School experiences are important because children are prepared for the outside world. They are exposed to different kinds of people. They see all aspects of an issue. Learn new ideas. Most of all, they become productive citizens.

  5. Actually I believe the exact opposite.  Nowhere else in life are you required to sit in a room with 20-30 other kids the same age, learn the same things, and be penalized for having individuality.  Do some research and you'll find out how many different ways public/private school just does not live up to any of it's promises.

    I homeschool my 2 kids and they are doing wonderfully, and have full imaginations.

    If you actually look into the history of how school started, it was by force in 1850.  It's so widespread and commonplace now that people have the idea that anything but, is odd, when in actuality, it should be that teaching outside the home is odd.

    This is an opinion question and that's how I've answered it, eveyone is entitled to their opinion, so own yours and don't fight mine.

  6. I'm not so sure they are... since I've entered the "real world", in none of my jobs have I encountered social situations that are anything like school.  I don't work all day with 30 other people that are the exact same age as I am, I don't get up every hour and move to different office to perform a completely different task.  And I don't have to raise my hand to ask to use the restroom, get  a drink, sharpen my pencil, or just to speak.

  7. Without the stimulation of play, virtually every aspect of ur child's development will be affected.

    Chd will get to explore their surroundings & learn how things function through play. Ur child can rehearse the roles that adults undertake & learn interactive & social skills.

    Play helps ur child discover his/her limits & special talents. In the process he/she would also learn how to deal with emotions such as happiness, sadness fear & anger.

    Play makes learning enjoyable because it allows a child to develop & explore the world at his/her own pace. By learning through play, a child's self-confidence and self -worth begins to grow as he/she masters the tasks chosen.

  8. I do not believe the school experience is at all important.

    Like others above have stated, there is no other time you will find youself in this "false" setting of large grouping of your age peers.  Life is not like that so school is not preparing you for real life.

  9. It teaches social skills, how to intereact with other, how to process, assess and solve problems, how to gain/maintain friendships and such.

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