
Why are schools spending so much time indoctrinating students w/ global warming myths and other liberal tripe?

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Students "graduate" from school completely unable to read at a competent level or perform basic mathematics and science, but they can recite the liberal viewpoint on Global Warming and other myths like a real pro. Shows you what the liberals are really up to.

Your kids are terrified of global warming and think that the whole world is an evil, racist, homophobic, sexist, capitalistic h**l controlled by mean white guys. But they are unable to read, write, or do mathematics and can't hold down a job.

While America's future is running around like chicken little, the polluters of the world - China and India will be eating our lunch because they can read and write English better than your kids can LOLOLOL




  1. What do you expect from libs?

  2. The whole reason there is so much debate about global warming is because there is so much ignorance about the basic science behind it.  If schools did their job, we wouldn't have that problem.

  3. what else is liberal tripe then? acid rain, eutrification, erosion, the ozone hole.

    also if it is a mith why have there been no papers published that disagree with AGW.

    BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change -- Oreskes 306 (5702): 1686 -- Science

  4. Well, it started in the 60's and now its past the point of return.

    The teachers hated our nation, and they fixed us good, by teaching c**p instead of educating our children they have ended our nation.

  5. haha i agree but there is nothing we can really do i mean it not like we can stop china from doin what their doin

  6. Yep.... Thank God it didn't happen in my school. In the advanced classes most of the people don't believe in the AGW c**p even though most of them like liberals..... ugh....

    So yeah.... atleast we have some smart Americans to support the future....hopefully....

  7. Because a dumb population is easier to control, so, the libs who control that system ensure a new batch of morons every year.

    Look at all the people backing Barack because he knows how to say the words "Change" and "Hope".

  8. Fact: the govt. knows the oil is running out. Fact: the govt knows the planets temp. is rising.  Last fact: the govt. can't do anything about the last two facts.  Hypothesis: The govt is blaming this on us. Saying global warming is caused by our use of petroleum related products is one way to soften the blow when it runs out. The planet will warm up even without oil use, it's part of a cycle. Not our fault. If the planet warms up they can say "I told you to not use oil". When the oil runs out it is still our fault.  Win-Win situation for any govt.

  9. "Your kids are terrified of global warming and think that the whole world is an evil, racist, homophobic, sexist, capitalistic h**l controlled by mean white guys. But they are unable to read, write, or do mathematics and can't hold down a job."

    Do you have any evidence for any of this or are you just ranting and unloading your prejudices about liberals?  American lower education has been below average a long time before the Global Warming craze began.

    Since we are talking about global warming the USA emits more than those other 2 countries PUT TOGETHER, so you are being EXTREMELY hypocritical in your characterization.

  10. its a mystery

    lol crazycon.... so true about Obama.

  11. P.S. : "the polluters of the world - China and India"

    This is so true as eveyone knows U.S. powerstations and cars only emit candy floss positive ions?

    Additional Details

    All of china is not like this even Beijing has good days the fact is China has only just overtaken the U.S. as the major Co2 producer we still have a 100 year head start and for more than half that china produced little Co2. And really we are still first as much of the Co2 they produce is for products we are going to buy.

  12. Your picture is very interesting.  It shows how important psycology is in political debates.  Put simply, you are obviously the kind of person who only worries about problems you can actually SEE (like in the picture).  Since the air pollution in the US is less visible, you aren't worrying about it even though you should be.

  13. amen

  14. Just because you freaking conservatives want the future to be uneducated so that your beloved monkey George W (Dubulyah) Bush, can lead the country into more debt and into more war gives you no excuse to go and blame the 'liberals' or as you call us, the people who have it right. Wow, you really must be stupid. America is NUMBER ONE, (one being the first number in the numbering system children learn in Kindergarten, it also means the largest in the system I am talking about... just breaking it down in a way you can understand...) carbon polluter in the world. Yeah, number one. I think that you have enough brain to comprehend, maybe that is why you don't think global warming is real... you don't understand it, huh... Well that's okay, I will break it down in a way you can understand.

    PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE KILLING THE PLANET, AND ALL THE INNOCENT CREATURES ON IT SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO FEEL GUILTY AS YOU DRIVE YOUR SUBURBAN VAN AROUND WITH A CUP OF STARBUCKS IN YOUR HAND. Better? Thought so. Bush is a conservative, right? Well, how can you look at what he is doing, and say that conservatives have it right? I am baffled at you people... you are as stupid as a stump, and are selfish, and greedy. Do you care at all about the polar bears, seals, salmon, penguins, and almost every other creature on the planet that has been living here peacefully until man has wiped it out mercilessly? Not many conservatives do, cause you are too concerned about spending your tax dollars on more important things, like getting more oil from the ground (ruining entire ecosystems), or funding the war, or logging more national forests... God I hate you. Get it right, face the facts, global warming is real, and they are trying to educate the next generation so that we can actually wrap our minds around the concept, unlike some people. We aren't illiterate, my sister has been accepted to any college she wants to go to, like half the senior class. So unless you are part of the school system, or a student... Stay the h**l out of our business if you aren't going to help get rid of global warming. Conservatives.

  15. They tried indoctrinating them with conservative tripe but it turned out the cognitive dissonance was too much most kids past 1st or 2nd grade.  They did a nice study that showed a willingness to continue to believe the conservative tripe strongly correlated with belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.  

    An example of conservative tripe most conservatives will willingly swallow (no pun intended) was that Larry Craig's wide stance would accidentally allow him to get his foot under the partition of the stall with his pants around his ankles.  Liberally indoctrinated kids recognize this position is absurd (no pun intended), and that you can't have a wide stance with your pants around your ankles, so his story is more than a little suspect.  

    The conservative/liberal positions on climate change are similar, with conservatives willing to believe anything, and I mean anything, so long as they can plausibly call it skepticism.  I call this an intellectually wide stance.  Liberals are much more rigid (no pun intended) in that they tend to have closed stances and stick to things that are physically realistic.

    I'm sorry you feel the US can't compete with the Chinese and am appalled you find that humorous.  You are a rotten citizen to laugh that we will be controlled by another country.  I have more pride and faith in my country and think we will rise to the challenge.  Perhaps you need another magnetic sticker on your bumper.

  16. This is because the media is liberal so they report what the liberal ideals on the liberals' agendas. Everyone has their own agenda and right now liberals want to make money and win elections using this mass hysteria guise.

  17. Yeah totally, wtf?!  Schools shouldn't be teaching things like global warming science or evolution or Newton's Laws.  We should be teaching useful things like how the Iraq War was an awesome idea.  Right on bro!  Let's fight them d**n liberal scientists by turning our kids into idiots!

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