
Why are schools teaching global warming to our kids?

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Global warming is just a theory, well funded and hyped. It's not even close to being proven (many people think it's a scam) yet schools everywhere are scaring kids over it. Is teaching AGW a worthwhile part of the curriculum? I think it isn't. I'd rather see schools teach our kids how to recognize and avoid scams.




  1. Indoctrination can never begin at to young an age.

  2. Yes that is the plan of the Democrat party of which the teachers union is a big part. They are brainwashing our children to believe that. The teachers should stick with they know. Gore's movie has been showed to every student to cripple this country and then they get elected.

  3. When you get older you'll realize that most teachers aren't very smart

  4. I'll begin with the explanation that... I don't know a whole lot of the details about global warming. I know that some wonky things are happening with Mother Nature, but I can't stand here and defend Global Warming.

    So, in the event that the "GW theory" is proven, at least our children will be aware, prepared, and have thoughts about the issue. And then, perhaps, if it is disproved, then at least we were keeping our butts covered... if we don't educate them about theories because they 'might' be wrong, then we will be in a grave situation if it really is something to scream about.

    I do agree with you... that it is well-funded and hyped. Everyone is 'going green' and the market for those products are HUGE. So, that's a good basis for a scam. There are scams being uncovered, though... called 'green-washing'. There are some products being labeled as 'economic', but they're not.

    So, yeah. A lot of the things that people are doing is just shenanigans... but it doesn't exactly mean that GW doesn't exist.

    I don't know... but that's a good question. This is a very broad, detailed topic...


  5. Global climate change in the recent past is a reality, and is likely to continue in the future if changes are not made.

    The average global air temperature near the Earth's surface increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 100 years ending in 2005. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gas concentrations" via an enhanced greenhouse effect. Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950 and a small cooling effect from 1950 onward.

    These basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries. While individual scientists have voiced disagreement with some findings of the IPCC, the overwhelming majority of scientists working on climate change agree with the IPCC's main conclusions.

    The overwhelming majority of scientists who study the world's climate agree that global warming is occurring. I think it's important to emphasize that while there may be many scientists who have come out against global warming, most of them are actually specialists in other areas. Scientific support for global warming is overwhelming, and the only reason many non-scientists don't agree with it is because of a perception that "but this winter was really cold" is somehow a viable counter-proof against long-term global climate change.

  6. Choosing not to believe in Global Warming is entirely your decision but you can't pretend that we're not having a devastating impact on the planet. Because of the mess that's been made one of the most important things left that the older generation can do for our future is teach us how to start to improve upon the issues we've been left with. I'm a senior in high school and personally I'm glad that I've learned about it and find it refreshing that schools have begin to offer Environmental Studies courses.

    And yes as a whole global warming is a theory but there are definite parts that are fact and many parts that are proven. Proof? I'll leave a source.

  7. Don't worry --- they won't remember anything they see or hear. This is absolutely obvious --- since so many schools are failing their annual testing and being rated unacceptable!!  If they cannot remember the "basics" what makes you think they can remember GW?

  8. Because global warming could turn out to be more than just a theory. The kids are going to be the generation most affected by it, and they are the ones who are going to have to do something to change the effects of it.

  9. The same reason they teach the "theory" of evolution and the "theory" of plate tectonics.  It's the best explanation scientists have for the set of observable facts about our climate. In science, the word theory doesn't mean opinion or conjecture (as it does in common language), but it means:

    "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena."

  10. well lets say this "theory" turns out to be an actual REALITY.. wouldn't you want our future generation to be prepared and knowledgeable about it? I think its great that they are teaching it. Rather be safe than sorry wouldnt you say?

  11. While the potential for harm to the Environment caused by the lifestyle of the industrialized world is possible and plausible, what is the harm of teaching children how to live "green"?

    Other than the reported damage caused by the production of ethanol that counteracts the benefits, of course.

    Ethanol aside, there's no harm caused by using less of everything, and much to be gained.

  12. because they need to learn to take care of their planet and save the planet that so many of us (past generations) have damaged but everybody knows are world is changing not entirely for the best  

  13. Global warming is a fact, that is why it is being taught in schools. Only ignorant people dont believe in GW.

  14. yeah i'm in high school right now and i've had to watch that movie with al gore like 4 times. i think they're just trying to make us not pollute the environment and all that g*y stuff but i agree lol, its a dumb theory

  15. it's just a theory?

    ok,if nobody do something you are right to say hyped and scam.

    but we had a reality that's global can easily understand it wether and's against to cosmos make up phase.if we'll do nothing,we'll accept our destiny.this is realy stupid exquisite person so i'll try my best to do some usefull project.and then i want to children understand why i attend to prove something about GW. the best way to understanding that learn GW in school subject.couse of it'll effect their future also...if they start to generate solution,they observe adventure.

    and learn what should we do.maybe that's impossible to learn it in school subject,but i hope lots of competition about GW will ordered by government.that's the est way to awarenses..


    > The earth's obliquity Angle decreases by 0.47" each

    > year, which changes the focus of the sun's radiation

    > on earth, resulting in climate shifts. As the

    > obliquity angle decreases, the hemispheres change in

    > basic temperature with the south becoming colder and

    > the north becoming warmer.  When the obliquity angle

    > reaches about 22 degrees, it will start to go the

    > other way and the north will get colder again and the

    > south will become warmer.  Obviously, and counter to

    > Al Gores unlearned theories, the warming of the

    > northern hemisphere cannot be stopped by man.  It will

    > stop and reverse itself.  Then the climate shifts we

    > presently experience will be goin the other way.  It

    > is pure logic applied to astro-physical law.


    > It has long been recognized that rather than staying

    > constant, obliquity varies slowly with time as a

    > result of external gravitational influences. The Moon

    > and Sun's tidal torques on Earth's ellipticity give

    > rise to the familiar 26,000-year astronomical

    > precession, while the gravitational pull of other

    > planets, primarily Jupiter and Venus, slowly perturbs

    > the orientation of the ecliptic plane in space. The

    > combined effect observed by Earth dwellers is an

    > ~41,000-year oscillation in the obliquity with overall

    > amplitude typically of about 2°. This oscillation is

    > one of the three Milankovitch cycles that ultimately

    > affect our long-term climatic system and serve as the

    > pacemaker of ice ages. The present-day obliquity

    > happens to be close to the mean value, and we are in

    > the middle of a downswing (see figure (1)). In terms

    > of real distance on the Earth's surface, one should

    > see a slow equatorward shift of the tropics by 14.4 m

    > a year-well over 1 km in a century!  

  17. Kids deserve to know about what might happen to them in the future.

  18. I am a kid and think that it is very important for my friends and to know how screwed we r in the future.

  19. They teach it because we are stupid enough to let our federal government run something as important as our children's education.

  20. Yeah I know, kids actually learning facts in school, what will they think of next !!.

  21. For the same reason schools are teaching evolution to kids (despite a lot of people thinking it's not even close to being proven, saying it's just a theory and many thinking it's all an atheistic conspiracy, just like there are people who think global warming isn't proven, is just a theory and is some kind of socialist or whatever conspiracy).

    People can believe whatever they want but schools should be teaching the best information we have and the best that we have is that global warming is happening and caused by us.

  22. it's up to the next generation of people to work on improving the lifestyles we lead so that the earth we live on isn't completely ruined. i'd say that teaching it to our kids is the best bet we have.  

  23. Yes... your are probably right about this issue, but I think schools have an obligation to at least present the story to young people.

    In the UK, the High Court recently ruled that any school showing Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" movie should issue a disclaimer first, and identify with students a number of areas or statistics in the movie found to be false or misleading by science. We should be encouraging discussion and debate on the issue and not blindly believing "global warming hysteria" as it's become much like a cult religion.

    You are right though, Man Made climate change is FAR from being proven and any "so called green" changes we make at this stage could have disasterous effects on our planet, our jobs, our economy, our health and safety (environmental light globes contain toxic mercury) and while there is no evidence the CO2 effects the climate, I think we should all be asking questions and doing our own research on the issue.

    Perhaps there is still room for schools to teach kids how to recognize and avoid scams as well.  

  24. Please look up scientific theory.

  25. You will find that schools are now the bigest target for dis-information.

    A law has been passed to allow schools to teach psuedo-science - Here's the Email from New Scientist -

    "   On the 28 June, The Science Education Act was passed as law in the State of Louisiana. This piece of legislature now allows teachers in this US state to present non-scientific alternatives to evolution, global warming and cloning – including ideas related to intelligent design. Opponents fear that Louisiana teachers are now free to present evolution and other targeted topics as matters of debate rather than broadly accepted science, and could have national implications.".

    More schools are starting to include police or military presence - to get children used to the idea that stop and search is normal, as well as using ID cards to check in and out of school.

    It's all engineered from the top.

    Plus they will not question freak weather or earthquakes , as they will have been "educated" that these are natural events triggered by natural processes.

    However, since the Haarp project, things are not that simple anymore -

    Tell a big lie and stick to it is the best chance they have to convince people - then find some research to back it up, and ignore the rest.

  26. Do you see mile thick glaciers over NY or chicago?   I'd guess global warming is a 100% proven fact.   Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it false.

  27. Actually, you are wrong. Global warming can be proven. Its called greenhouse gasses. And we have know the damaging effect of these gasses for many, many years. Also, if you would take the time to research the subject thoroughly you would see that the global climate has changed. It has steadily increased since the Industrial Revolution. What does industry cause? Greenhouse gasses! It really does not take someone with a lot of brains to see that the effects, while not as dramatic as some make them to be, are real. And the only people who deny it are George Bush's stooges.  

  28. Serious deficiencies in education since education was nationalized first under the National Education Board which became the National Education Association and then the Department of Education. Upton Sinclair first documented these problems back in the 20s with his investigative book the Goosestep that documented what was happening. This was followed with more detail in his book the Goslings a few years later. Link to H.L. Mencken review and opinion of these books!

    And for those who would appreciate a wider view the skeptics, skeptic I present the following for the study of the under educated.

    And a modern detailed investigation by a concerned teacher as to why he was being prevented from properly educating his students that finally names, names and points out the true facts as to public education in the United States today and why no child is allowed to get ahead if it can be prevented.

    A quote I can not find right now points out that if our current education system had been forced on us by another nation it would be cause for war!

  29. the kids can choose whether to believe or not and they can dicuss it with their parents. people should be aware of global warming whether or not you believe it

  30. Global warming is reality. I'm surprised you deniers aren't up in arms about schools teaching that the Earth orbits the sun and isn't flat.  

  31. Well, like you said, it is well funded. So it's not so hard to pull schools into it.

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