
Why are scientists and "experts" screaming & whining about global warming but do nothing to improve cars and

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other technology.

In other words, all of these pinhead scientist with a liberal bias are spending all of their time "proving" that mankind is destroying the planet but they are not inventing any ingenious products or processes to eliminate pollution.

Instead, they mock auto makers, they demand high taxes, and they want to regulate and tax all businesses into a communist-like state.

Why don't these "geniuses" assemble into a manhattan project or skunk works type program and put their brains where their mouth is and tell us how to get 200 mpg, tell us how to create electricity cleanly, tell us how to heat our homes cheaply and efficiently, tell us how to not rely on oil from terrorist nations.

Instead, they hide behind their bogus computer models and then they tell us all to stop driving and stop being productive.

No solutions, only barking orders.

No technology, only telling us to live like cave men.




  1. Because the word expert has been redefine where anyone with a piece of paper can claim they are one.  There was a time when attaining a B.S. actually meant something, however we have watered downed our standards to where attaining a P.H.D. is more political, then earned.

  2. I think they have invented the hybrid car and many ways to improve using less energy in the home including solar panels for solar energy.  The problem is most people can't afford those kind of changes.

  3. Parasites bring only objection without also bringing an alternate framework on which to hang their arguments.

    Wow is you confused. And ignorant.

    Environmentalists have been bringing solutions to the table for 50 years, only to be rebuffed. Policy makers set the agenda and have made careers (especially in the last 8 years) of ignoring scientists and experts.

    It's you and your brainwashed ilk who want to blame.

    Looking for an answer? Look in the mirror.

  4. Well, gee, if it is as easy as you say, then you should be able to make a few phone calls and get all these scientists together and working on the technologies right?

    Here's the deal genius, even ignoring the fact that scientists specialize in many different areas and do not have the requisite knowledge to do things like design cars, who will pay for them to design them?  Do you expect these scientists to work for free and starve while they design these new cars and products?  Here's another one for you to consider...why do automakers in the US still sell cars that get less than 15mph when other countries are selling cars that get upwards of 50mph for half the price?

    BECAUSE people in the US don't want the buy fuel efficient cars yet.  Even some of the regular gasoline powered cars in other countries get better mileage than the hybrids sold in the US!!!  

    You see, the problems go much deeper than just designing the new technology.

    Now go read a book, and stop pretending that you're so much smarter than everyone else.

  5. Scientists specialize in certain areas.  Someone trained and knowledgeable about atmospheric physics, ocean circulation, or species survivability doesn't mean they can also invent or design automobiles.  Likewise, a brilliant automobile inventor probably doesn't understand general circulation modeling as used by climate scientists.

    And calling scientists who've earned PhD's and devoted their lives to increasing knowledge in their chosen fields of study "pinhead scientists with a liberal bias" says a lot more about you than it does them.

  6. The green agenda isn't about global warming. It's about getting Green Fascists into political power.

    Green has no solutions other than to keep you ignorant and freezing in the dark.

  7. It's a demand issue. When people with attitudes such as yours stop demanding a 3-ton+ behemoth to move your butt all around town at 12 mpg, the industry will build something more efficient. Until then quite whining. It's economics and nowhere in economics is a conscious or morals. Science can "scream" with all the energy it can muster, but it's all for naught if the people don't care to listen.

  8. Pssst...  I am going to tell you a secret...  Now, you will probably not hear this secret anywhere but here but...

    Thanks to catalytic converters, cars are not the problem.  Only idiots that have exploited this HOAX have propogated that BS.  Remember that Los Angeles smog that fellow alarmist slew was talking about, that no longer exists because California and LA cracked down??  Well, there ya go... It is gone or way under control because of it....

    So, you are being used, abused, manipulated and exploited because this HOAX is being expanded to suit a liberal agenda...

    No charge for the info Einstein....

    What is so funny about the alarmists that come here...  They want to go green and would love all of this technology as long as someone else is paying for it...  They are like spoiled rich children.

  9. they do. who do you think invented hybrid cars? or PV cells?

    maybe some of those pinhead scientists.

    "Why don't these "geniuses" assemble into a manhattan project or skunk works type program and put their brains where their mouth is and tell us how to get 200 mpg, tell us how to create electricity cleanly, tell us how to heat our homes cheaply and efficiently, tell us how to not rely on oil from terrorist nations."

    there is alot of work being done on exactly that but it takes years of hard work and funding and is anyone providing any funding for this?

    FYI scientists specialise in different fields. so saying all of them should start inventing things is just stupid. it would be like getting a dentist to weld to geather a sky screaper.

  10. "but they are not inventing any ingenious products or processes to eliminate pollution."

    Read and enjoy! If you scan the articles, you'll find various solutions that have been researched and proposed that will "tell us how to get 200 mpg, tell us how to create electricity cleanly, tell us how to heat our homes cheaply and efficiently, tell us how to not rely on oil from terrorist nations."

  11. They just thrive on the attention, especially when they get a chance to control what others do in their private lives.

  12. Manhattan Project? Great idea. But that would take Presidential leadership.

    Won't happen until 2009.

  13. There are a lot of scientists working on this problem, but the best answers so far involve conservation (not living like cavemen). Public transportation, solar energy, electric vehicles are all partial answers that scientist have made but they all require money and the willingness of industry and government to adopt them.

    High technology requires a lot of money to develop. The money is in the hands of the people that have an interest in things staying the way they are. The Manhattan project took major government support and scientists have been begging for decades to do a project like Manhattan or the Apollo Mission for energy. In fact Jimmy Carter started a project like that but Reagan and other Republicans and conservative lobbiests have killed it and kept it down since. Bush Jr slashed alternative energy research even further until it is a trickle today.

    It is clear that you have not been listening to the actual scientists but only conservative corporate shills that falsely characterize what the scientists are saying. Scientists have no desire to order people around, if they did, they would have gone into politics, business or talk radio. Neither are scientists liberal, it is just that they frequently wind up on the same side as liberals because they tell the truth and know what they are talking about.

    If you don't think that scientists are often geniuses, I suggest you go try to read some of the real scientific magazines for scientists like Nature and Science. (popular mechanics and scientific american don't count)

  14. Are you suggesting climatologists should invent cars, there are more than enough scientists in the automotive field

    It isn't the cars that are the problem, it's the infrastructure, a car is no use if you can't refuel it, Honda for instance already have a hydrogen powered car but you will only be able to drive in a limited area of California. There are also various electric and even a compressed air car that can travel 200km.

    Also based on some of the comments I have seen on this site along the lines of "I ain't stoppin usen my SUV for no une"

    How can you fight logic like that?


    "If global warming was truly a problem, then scientists wouuld be flocking to find ways to fix the problem at its source. Instead, no one is"

    hybrid cars, improved solar cells, hydrogen engines, fuel cells, techniques for carbon sequestration or algae based fuel which is 7x more efficient than using food crops.

    All these things were not invented by dentists but by scientists trying help with GW. Scientists have been trying to tell us about this for 3 decades.

  15. the thing is people are trying to make change because we need it. It's hurdles like the media preventing that.The media has a very unique way of showing whats important the people watching. For some reason they do not show the importance of global warming. Why do you think they say climate change  instead of global warming? The reason for this censorship is because industries release more gas than thousands of cars on the road.  this planet is getting to hot.

    Venus is alot like how earth will be if we don't stop global warming

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