
Why are self-proclaimed Liberals some of the most intolerant and judgmental people in America?

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I see them on here and if they don't like your answer they will report you and have you kicked off? I thought Liberals believed in freedom of speech, but they seem to be the first people to try and stop others they don't agree with from having a say. Why are they so hateful?




  1. theres no such thing as liberals, they are republicans that have made up this new party to try to intice people into joining. Its really tricky.

    I dont mind being thumbs down-ed. im still gonna win!

  2. Face it, I hear way more conservative bashing and hate speeches coming from the Democratic party nowadays.  The funniest part about the Liberals is their ability to devour their own kind.  Just look at the bashing going on between Hilary and Obama.

  3. On their best day, they're scum!!!!

    On their worst day, they're traitorous scum!!!!

  4. Americans vote these people in.  These are the best and brightest.  Polititions are a reflection of our society.

    What happened to separation of church and state?  GOP doesn't believe in it.

    Liberals are fed up with the moral majority.  This country has been under their rule for 7 years and morals are at an all time low.  They are the ones doing most of the lying.

  5. why does EVERYBODY use hasty generalizations? I mean i think EVERYONE is intolerant of those who are different than them. i also think that EVERYONE in America believes in freedom of speech, and EVERYONE seems to be the first people to try and stop others who don't agree with them......come on, get a grip, many people are hypocrites and they come from all fashions of life, all you can do is represent yourself in the best way possible and not focus on what YOU think the flaws of others are

  6. It must be conservative day. Liberal day was yesterday.

  7. i know it. you would think they were christains or conservatives or something(sarcasm)

  8. Hateful sods, I say kill the lot of them.

  9. Bill's Commits on the Black in the USA

    Hillary I am just a woman

    Latino's saying they do not support black males

    Obama Using the race card,

    where is the tolerance?

  10. intolerant and judgemental should not go together-it is like straddling a fence.  wait to see which way the tide is turning...they don't care they spend more time thinking up lies than any other passtime.  not just liberals  all politicians.  the definition of a politician is-poli meaning many,  and tics blood suckers

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