
Why are sewing machines so expensive?

by  |  earlier

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Are they expensive because they are excessively complicated, or because relatively few are manufactured?




  1. Since there's a thread somewhere which says at least one

    attempt at a Humorous Reply is *ahem* Acceptable,

    may I.....?

    The answer is, "Because, simply, just ask any

    performer-manager / pr rep / publicist/ agent,

    and they'll all own up:  'In order to get any Singer

    worth his/her fabric, you gotta lace-out the bucks'."

  2. Industrial sewing machines are seldom used, unlike sewing machines for household users.Aside, from this salesmen for large companies are paid with good commissions in selling these machines.

  3. I don't think they are excessively complicated, but they are very complicated, and that drives the price up.

    I've seen machines for US$180.


  4. There isn't a huge demand, and they are complicated - most modern sewing machines have multiple user selected stitches using digital controls.  You can find older machines with a few mechanically determined stitches such as the Singer Featherweight - made from the late 1800's to mid 1900's - electrically powered, but not very versatile in terms of kinds of stitches, and there are other models with more sophisticated stitching that use different mechanical systems, but few of those are manufactured today.  

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