
Why are s*x offenders allowed to live near schools, parks or places where children gather? ?

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I think they should live in mental institutions for s*x offenders only. I cannot believe tha one lives very near my house inside a military reservation.




  1. They are not allowed to live in close proximity to parks, schools, churches, or other areas where many children would congregate.  (Private residences are not included.  Otherwise, s*x offenders would be forced to live out in the middle of nowhere, which is not realistic, given that they have to be monitored.)  However, the minimum distances that are specified under the requirements for registered s*x offenders to abide by vary amongst jurisdictions.  Some are more stricter than others.  Still, s*x offenders have to live somewhere once they are released from prison.  

    Mental institutions are for those with genuine mental problems that are the result of a physical/genetic defect or long-endured emotional/mental trauma, such as schizophrenia, and who need medical intervention & supervision. Most s*x offenders do not have a debilitating mental illness so their behavior was, for the most part, at their own will.  Would you be willing to pay more in taxes to create more halfway houses and institutions to house them?  Keeping them in prison forever is not feasible (nor cost-effective) as most s*x offenders do not fit the "incurable predator" stereotype that the media loves to portray, so they have to released once they paid their debt to society.

  2. Registered s*x offenders can not live within a specified distance of places that children gather.  I don't know what that distance is.  As for putting them in mental institutions,  would you like you taxes raised to pay for them?

  3. They're not allowed to live within a certain distance of schools, at least in my state.  I think there should be different requirements for different levels.  I don't consider a 19 year old that had s*x with his 16 year old gf a s*x offender who should have to register the rest of his life, but a man that molests a 9 year old should definitely be kept away from normal society!

  4. most s*x offenders dont look like they are... u better be watching

  5. The term "s*x offender" is applicable to anyone from pedophile rapists to teenagers who have consensual s*x with a partner who is under the age of consent.  Would you lock them all up?

    Having one's name appear on a s*x offender registry does not necessarily mean that person is a danger to children.

  6. cause there's this thing called Megan's law and they can register to be a s*x offender and stuff

    i had a neighbor that was a s*x offender when i was a younger

    but now that dude is gone i don't know where he went

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