
Why are ship's figureheads women?

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Why are ship's figureheads women?




  1. As said by others there are many figureheads of animals, greek and roman gods, and natives. Some say that the women on the ship are calls back to the wives and mothers of sailors and are to honor them. Some say that the figure head was thought to help guide and protect the ship.

  2. Normally they were not women until in the late 17th century and only become common in the 1800s (19th century)

    Before that they were almost always mythical beasts or mythical heroes.

  3. Not all figureheads are of women. Animals and mythical creatures are also common.

  4. Nobody wants to see a man with his willy out on the front of a ship.

  5. Well I would think they would make it a woman because back when they sailed for months even years, they had no women on board. What would you rather look at for days on end some ugly pirate or a woman?

  6. Because it's more fun to carve a woman's shape.  There are also traditional spiritual beliefs about the magical power of women over the hazards of the sea.

  7. Not all figureheads are feminine, it really depends on the ship's name.

    I've seen figureheads carved in the shape of Indian Warriors, knights, Roman or Greek Warriors, and all manner of animals.  Granted, some ships with masculine names have feminine figureheads, but that is not real common.

    In general, ships are referred to as feminine, even if they have masculine names.  Why?  Your guess is as good as any, but it has been a tradition of the sea for hundreds of years, if not longer.  It probably has something to do with the love-hate relationship sailors have with their ships.


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