
Why are smart Europeans dumb enough to pay extra (or pay anything) for Budweiser beer?

by Guest67215  |  earlier

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Here in America, Budweiser beer is considered the very definition of a low-class, blue collar awful tasting beer. There is absolutely nothing "premium" about it here, either in image or in reality. It's not even real beer--it's made with rice, for god's sake. Trust me, if you show up at your buddy's house with a case of Bud, you're likely to be laughed at as cheap and low-class. So my question is how can Europeans, who are so much smarter than dull-witted Americans (I'm sure you agree), be so easily manipulated by advertising into paying a lot of money for beer that tastes as if it were brewed in a horse?




  1. Most people that drink Bud overseas fall into two categories. The first are Americans that think it's the best beer in the world, and the second are Europeans that want to drink an American beer.

    Personally I don't understand the attraction to Bud. It's a bad beer no matter where it's brewed.

  2. I don't buy Budweiser, I think it's rubbish.

  3. Carl you are truly, ignorant.

    Rice? So what some beers have rye or wheat in them the bottom line is those ingredients are all grains. Beer is made from grain. If the world thought like you there would never be any progress as we would be afraid to experiment and invent new things. We would still be drinking beers made with figs and dates as in Mesopotamia. That is exactly what Budweiser (American Style Pilsner) is, a new entry into the long history of beers' evolving ingredients.

  4. im a european n loovvee bud! its d only beer i drink apart from Cisk which is 2nd best!

    i hate guiness (worst beer) and heineken (its lik water).. carlsberg (bleh) .. list goes  on n on..

    (my opinion btw)

  5. You're absolutely right about Budweiser being the Devil's Urine, but people outside the US now realise this too.

    Budweiser is one of the fastest declining beers in the UK at the moment. And it is universally regarded as low class here. It has all but vanished from decent venues, and anybody who orders it is looked down upon.  

  6. Because they dont now what good beer is! Newcastle Brown Ale has to be the best beer ever.

  7. Where did you get the idea that Europeans like Budweiser? Ew. Why would we when there's so much else on offer?

  8. i dont pay to see my doctor so suck my baws!

    and i like buds am cheap

  9. We don't. I don't know anyone who drinks, let alone likes, Budweiser as you are talking about it, and I know people from all over Europe.

    Why on earth would we when we're so close to German beer, Belgian beer, Czech beer, British real ales, and even fairly nice bottles of French beer. Europeans consider Budweiser to be of very low standard too.

    Except of cause Budweiser Budvar, which has little resemblance to it's American cousin. Now that is a good beer.

  10. Hey moron, apparently you've never lived in Europe.

    I have twice and I have traveled throughout Europe extensively.

    This idea you have that Europeans are smarter than Americans is a myth perpetrated by idiots like you who don't know any better.

    Europeans may be generally more aware of global politics but they are not more inteligent simply more aware...their mentality is generally quite sad as they have been trained to think like sheep.

    Do you know what a socialist society is?

    Study up idiot before opening your uneducated mouth again.

    That said I have never seen anyone drinking budwesier products in Europe...never!

    If you are referring to the recent aquisition of a large percentage of budweiser corporation this was an extremely wise move BUT in no way means that operations will be expanding through Europe.

  11. born and raised in wisconsin, so we dont drink that c**p, its Miller here. but more importantly the craft brew line by Lienenkugels Brewery owned by Miller/ Coors SAB or whatever the heck its called now.

  12. I became quite the 'beer snob' after spending about six monoths touring Europe.  However, Bud overseas, both in Europe and in the far east, is far better than it is here.  I had to try a couple...

    I still prefer a fresh, unpasturized Heffe over just about anything...  too bad you can't get it here, except in a very few brewpubs.

  13. They bought the brewery because they got a good deal. Nothing says that they have to drink the beer.

  14. I am a smart European and I have never drunk or purchased Budweisser  but I assume there are some dull-witted Europeans, not to mention all the American tourists and expats who live here.  

  15. Sounds good, looks good but tastes awful. Yes its made from rice so its healthier than most beers/lagers. I did not say it is a health drink! Perhaps the Japanese thought it up. Saki is made from rice I think.

  16. Hi Carl,

    I tend to agree with you.

    Having visited the States a few times, I am always amazed thet folks will tolerate such things as Bud.

    In the UK, we have a vast range of properly brewed beers.

    You want to try "Bishops Old Peculiar" , or "Dogs Balls".

    Independant breweries, not churning out millions of gallons of gas-water.

    I did hear an American ask for "imported", as it is better.


    Not much choice then, and just means "anything but American"

    My local pub serves about 8 different beers, and they are ordered according to personal taste.

    I see Bud in the supermarkets, but most are wise enough not to be be tempted by a cheaper price per carton.

    Yup, us Europeans are a bit smarter when it comes to brewing.

    No offense !


  17. Dude I don't even think they export Bud to Europe. They have good enough beer as it is.

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