
Why are smokers treated so badly ?

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I hate how everyone thinks that smoking is horrible, yet in the 50's even doctors smoked (some of them still do, like mine). But I smoke, i'm 19, and I don't care what people think. I hate how people say, your going to die from that! I say I could die today in a car accident, murder, lighting strike, other health problem, or just simply die for no apparant reason! So with all of that said, a pack of smokes isn't going to scare me. There are plenty more things I am scared of like mosquitos! Now those are dangerous! But dying, no i'm not scared of that. And I understand that some of you may have relitives or friends who have died from smoking, but so do I. My grandmother died last year from smoking, and atleast 2 of my relitives will die soon from smoking. Does that make me want to quit, h**l NO!!!!! They made the personal choice to smoke, not the tabaco company. And I loved my grandmother, but she smoked for 55 years! I mean, it's not like she died the day after taking a puff. Seriously, I love ciggerettes, and want to be buried with them. Just fill my coffin with them, so i will never run out in the afterlife!!!




  1. The same reason black people, fat people, retarded people, strangers, girls who don't put out, and so on and so forth the list is endless......!

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