
Why are snacks, like candy, cakes, chips, cookies, etc. acceptable to buy on food stamps?

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But not the food that's already prepared & cooked for you? With the snacks, no preparation is necessary. So why is that acceptable? Why can't we get Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Chinese food, etc. on food stamps since it's prepared?

Do you get what I'm saying? If not, I can clarify.




  1. It goes back to the invention of food stamps.  Dr. Phineas Pfeffer, in 1923, invented food stamps.  He was the brother-in-law of the owner of the Hostess Cupcake Company.  That should explain it.

  2. food stamps are for needy people that cant afford to buy food, a person that collects food stamps should be d**n grateful to be able to go to the grocer store and buy sensible grocerys instead trying to trying to figure out another way to beat the system.....

    if someone wants mcdonald and such, get a job and go buy all the fast food you want.....

    my tax dollars arent taken out of my paycheck evey week to buy someone mcdonalds.....

    .  i am eating ramen noodles, and are being  taxes taken out of my check to feed someone who is supposedly "needy"....

    i'll be damned if their going to eat mickey d's on my tax dollar!!!

    i say... "who should be eating ramen noodles and dry beans???"


  3. It was easier to exclude all prepared foods because they didn't want people spending food stamps at restaurants.

  4. Thank you, Miss Rhonda.

    Some of the items you can buy with food stamps include food products for human consumption; food producing plants, health foods such as wheat germ, brewers yeast, sunflower seeds, and enriched or fortified foods; infant formula; diabetic foods; distilled water; ice labeled for human consumption; items used in the preparation or preservation of food such as spices and herbs, pectin, lard, and shortening; meals prepared for and delivered or served to elderly or handicapped Food Stamp participants; snack foods such as candy, potato and tortilla chips, chewing gum, and soft drinks.

    The day I see someone buy vegetable plants or seeds with their food stamps is the day I'll eat my shoe.

  5. Because all of the cooked food is taxable and food stamps is said to be for uncooked food all non taxable food and materials. If the food stamps would cover taxable it would cover for alcohol too! so people will not really spend their money on "FOOD". (i work at a super market and a lot of those people who buy food take alcoholic beverages.)

  6. I don't feel anyone should be able to buy any "junk food" when using food stamps, let alone fast food... They should only be able to use it for meat, veggies and dairy products.. Nothing pisses me off more that to see someone spending their stamps on thing like Haggen daaz, Doritos and candy... How is that helping anyone..I sure as heck can't afford to buy junk food, but my hard earned tax dollars are being wasted on it every day!!!! Our system needs fixing.

  7. I always wondered why you could by potato chips and candy bars but not buy toilet paper and soap.  None of the items are food per say  but I would rather have toilet paper than potato chips when that time of the day rolls around........

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