
Why are so-called 'answers' which are merely replies with no 'answer' content at all published here?

by  |  earlier

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Space and time is wasted while readers patiently plough through replies which do not answer the original queston. many times I read through all the words printed as 'answers' and didn't get one real answer. yet the contrbuters get credited with point?




  1. Glad, you got that off your chest?

  2. Because.. some the questions aren't questions they are just opinions.

  3. If you want real answers, go to an encyclopedia. If you want a community experience (which is basically for fun) then read the answers here.

    I've said this before and I'll say it again. If your IQ is too high, you don't need to be here.

  4. Yeah I know where you coming from in fact I have been guilty of doing that before... hey what do you know I'm doing it again.. nah fair call mate maybe the asker should be able to choose who gets points, but then that would be deifying the point, because the time you save sifting through ussless answers would be wasted rating the decent answers..

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