
Why are so few people on R & S able to recognize a humorous question?

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I mean a little tweak or wordplay, not a major mocking of a religion. There have been 5 or 6 word plays by Brimstone Halo in the last 40 minutes, and it went over the head of most responders.

Yesterday I tried some wordplay about how one "believes" a word should be spelled (grammar/grammer), and not one person got it, even with follow up questions. I tried edits to make things clear, but then got a violation for chatting (yes, going on a bit in this question but it IS to lay out the theme of the question. And yeah, like the chat limits aren't stretched a lot on R & S.)

So please discuss and answer; why the lack of humor or perception?




  1. Friend

    With all respect,as for me ,i thought R& S was a serious look at this side of our lives.

    God bless.

  2. So sad!!

    Why do you want to play silly games?!!

    What do you not understand about this being an open forum?!!!

    Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate on a public forum - so feel free to leave!!

    But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!!!!

  3. Subtle humour has its place, but if one is not expecting it, then one can easily miss it. Now if you did a pratt fall...

  4. The simple answer is that so many people are unfamiliar with spelling (let alone spell-checker), punctuation and or grammar.

    AND, we get so used to incorrect spelling that a pun usually fails miserably.

    "but then got a violation for chatting"

    There's always that.


  5. There is a "jokes" section and a "words and wordplay" section. Go there instead.

  6. Yeah, we got it.  It's just that most of us are actually interested in serious questions.  Believe it or not, some are here to learn and share knowledge.  Crazy isn't it?!

  7. Because people get very touchy when you talk about their beliefs/non-beliefs. I personally love it when a religious person can come up with a good atheist joke ^_^

  8. Maybe you just do not know sarcasm?          

  9. Christians.  Humor.

    Nope, they don't go together.

    Remember how much trouble Neiman got into when he drew the "Laughing Jesus".  

    People just freaked.

  10. because this is not the humorous section!

  11. Maybe you're unable to recognize a humourous answer?

  12. I saw that guys questions and they weren't even funny.

    Tragic Typos... now that guy is (usually) clever.

    I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but many people on here can't actually spell.  Sometimes it is hard enough to figure out what some people are trying to say.  So we often let slide the typos and assume they actually meant what the word was supposed to mean.  

    This is Yahoo! Answers, not a joke board.  So if you're going to post a joke question, at least make sure it's actually funny.  

    Remember.. the atheists are always condensating too, so we don't have a sense of humour.  

  13. This question's hilarious.

  14. Sometimes it's hard to understand the context in which someone writes something, unless they're someone who is known throughout the population of an internet site as having a specific sense of humor. But,there will always be those who just don't get it. I also think on this particular site there's such a wide range of ages and mindsets that it makes a difference on the perception.  

  15. It's the people who are on around this time.

    Try posting in about 8-12 hours from now.

    That's when all the local crazies come out. They all asleep now.

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