
Why are so many Americans SOOO freakin ignorant? Does anyone care about this country?!!?

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Why are so many Americans SOOO freakin ignorant? Does anyone care about this country?!!?




  1. noone here cares about anything but themselves. if they did care about anything they would be taking a hand with the kids. Fighting back against the government taking away our rights a little at a time. fighting back against high oil prices like they use to. use to be everyone would stand together and fight. now everyone has lost the will, and given up.

  2. americans are ignorant because their education system sucks, americans are ignorant because they choose to be, americans are ignorant because thats the way the government wants it.  

    the rest of the world generally prefers to sit back and wait for the destruction of the usa, so besides not caring, we are just waiting for your country to implode.

  3. Decode this lyrics ' Let your love grow"

    Don't think they are so that ignorant.

    Just blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose with time in the new millenium after the mystery of us-911.

    Since the coutry advance in time first.

    They get hit first.

    The rest following behind in time will get kick too.

    Thanks for the little horror chucky back home in exposing the blunders.

    Were able to trace the fault before leaving with time.

    Otherwise will be quite disastrous for every living human kind on planet earth.

    Revealation 17-20

    Revealation 18.22-23

    Now that we know the mess we just have to steer the star -ship back on course before we run out of time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 9.55-56,60

  4. Ignorant?  Hmmmmm. Just curious, but you seem to be saying that "So many Americans do not have an understanding of ... something".  What is it you think they don't understand?

  5. I'm not sure - I wish I knew.

    I do.

  6. Americans are not too keen on what is happening to their country nowadays.  It is time for a wake-up call.

    VOTE your for choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will lead the Americans from 2008.

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