
Why are so many Americans moving to Costa Rica?

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Why are so many Americans moving to Costa Rica?




  1. As i live here i continue to see mostly divorced men looking for cheap booze and women. Aside from that many retired couples enjoy the nice weather as a second home. In many states the winter at home is the summer in Costa Rica. Its not much cheaper here anymore, except for labor rates. Nannys and slave labor is cheap. American foods and vehicles are double.

    Come and see for yourself, it is very picturesque!

  2. Costa Rica is truly an amazing country, well deserving of its reputation as a prime retirement haven. The climate is excellent. Health care is inexpensive and of high quality.  Foreign owners of real estate enjoy all the rights of a Costa Rican citizen and real estate is still very affordable. The people of Costa Rica enjoy and take great pride in their stable democracy. The cost of living is low; $2000 a month will give you a comfortable life style. Today more than 20,000 Americans have retirement homes and many more own investment property in Costa Rica. Read more click on link  

  3. cus Costa Rica is awesomedidlydacious dude

    and yeah what those other guys said.

    you should totally chech it out. and be optimistic about it. sometimes people find like 2 things they dont like about it and hey get trned off, so they ruinit for themselves.

    costa rica is beautiful and amazing!

  4. If you are a couple in the US who has just retired, you are probably looking at a Social Security check of about 3k dollars put together.  That won't get you much in the USA, but it will give you a comfortable lifestyle in Costa Rica.  If you add a pension to that, you can live an unbelievable lifestyle in Costa Rica when compared to the US.  It is not the bargain that it once was, but Costa Rica still remains very desired because of its climate, political stability and cost of living.  For any other information about Costa Rica, try the directory.

  5. Mostly because Costa Rica is beautiful, it is politically stable and the cost of living is cheaper than in the United States, also the country if full with Real Estate opportunities.

    The dollar is strong and the country is a haven for entrepreneurs. You are able to open a new business and make a living. Also your Social Security and 401k fund will last longer and you will be able to live a more luxurious life. If you want more information about Costa Rica, don't hesitate to send me a message.

  6. Because here in the US they can't do much with the retirement check, over there they could buy a nice house and everything is cheaper so the check lasts longer/ they live more relaxed

  7. Wealthy and/or retired Americans move to Costa Rica because it is beautiful and because the cost of living is so much less there .    If one is not rich or retired with an income, it is not practical to move there as getting a work visa is difficult and jobs there pay very little.  But, money from the U.S. goes a long way there.

  8. Paradise.

    According to some study(don't remember the researchers)Costa Rica is number 3 happiest country in the world (first one in the Americas). Why not move down there and share the happiness of the ticos?

    -Beautiful weather, gorgeous country,extremely friendly and accepting people,good economy,good government,peaceful...what more could you ask for?

  9. because they are intelligent

  10. The scenery is beautiful.  The weather is great.  It's politically stable.  And the people are some of the kindest I've ever met.  Who wouldn't want to live here?

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