
Why are so many Ap's and Pap's against human rights and.........?

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why are they so threatened by anyone that doesn't "buy" into?




  1. against who's humans rights? I don't understand the question.

  2. OK, so this isn't an answer to your question, but a comment.

    I'm on this board to try and understand and learn.  I'm an adoptive mother.  I'm not any of the things that you imply in your endless anti-adoptive parents questions.

    Believe it or not, adoptive parents have issues, too.  Do you have any idea how much responsibility it is to raise a child that is in a situation that you can never fully understand?  Do you know how hard it is?  

    I'm sick of your anti-productive insults.  Adding "many" doesn't help.  

    Stirring up bad feelings and trying to make people feel that adoption is a bad thing hurts everyone.  Adoptees are already denied the rights to information they have every right to; they are looked upon as 'different' by many.  

    Can't you see that it's the societal view that adoption is evil that causes all the secrecy and stupid laws?

    You have issues with your adoptive parents, that's abvious.  I'm truly sorry for that and often wish I could hug you or that I could help in some way.  

    I just ask that you help my daughter and all the other adoptees on this planet by helping us to bring it out into the light and out of the darkness.

    How about spending some time on here giving those of us that are really trying hard to get it right some positive advice and maybe some encouragement?

    I'm sorry, but we adoptive parents have feelings, too.  Most of us are NOT like your parents must have been.

  3. what human rights might that be that we are against?

  4. I'm all for the rights of the child I adopted!  Thank God, he's not being exposed to meth anymore.  Unfortunately, I try a lot for his rights, and his first mom doesn't bother to come see him.  I'm so tired of being portrayed as the bad person because I adopted.  I don't ever want to jerk a child out of someones arms to adopt it.  I want to adopt another child of someone who doesn't want to raise their own.

    BTW-I have tried to help his mother, both before and after my son's birth.  When she told me about using the meth, I thought she'd changed her mind, and when she didn't come out and say it, I piped up and said, "It's alright, I understand, but can I love him to and help you?".  Then she told me she had used it, and CPS was coming to get him.  Thank God I had also made adoption plans, or he'd been taken away from both of us!


    "Human rights refers to the "basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled."[1] Examples of rights and freedoms which are often thought of as human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law; and social, cultural and economic rights, including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education."

  6. Independent,

    I see stories of AP's refusing to return children--such as with the cases of Stephanie Bennett and Allison Quets--and it is horriffic. Then I see the cases of the children in Haiti--that you posted in an earlier question....and I know in my heart and mind that Haiti is not nearly the only country that allows this type of thing to happen. I see it when I read my own adoptive child's birth certificate--which was forcibly altered to show mine and my husband's name. Clearly, not everyone cares to check out their agencies or refuse to adopt from places known to be unethical. Not everyone ask questions and demands answers before 'getting their baby'.

    I know this frustrates you, as it does or should frustrate most sane people. What I want to know is what to do about it. What can be done? How do you force people to not buy do you force people to not sell children? There are so many levels and players in this situation that I think the child's best interest is lost in the shuffle....but I don't know how to fix that. I can't attack every single IA parent--because I don't know their personal situation, nor can I attack all DA parents for the same reasons.

    You have some wonderful things to say and some very interesting points...I just wish there was a solution outside of 'all adoptions are terrible and are never justified'. I don't think that is what you are saying, it is just how it sometimes comes across. Thanks for the info on Haiti.

    <<adoptive mommy through foster care

  7. Please clarify what you are accusing us of.

  8. They're not 'against' them, besides, that would be NEGATIVE, and you know how they hate that label.

    They just DON'T CARE.  They want what they want when they want it.  They plead ignorance.

    "The agency didn't say ANYTHING about that!  That mother wanted to give her child to us! Now, let's get going, we've got to get to Babies R Us before they close!"

  9. I don't really understand the question....but I will offer a my perspective

    I spent my childhood in Foster Care because my bio-parents were AGAINST human rights.  They treated me horribly and I feel the pain of that today.

    If someone had adopted me that was kind, loving, and caring, that would have been saving me then and now.

      That is all about human rights...

  10. Isn't there something in the Convention on Rights of the Child or something that addresses the right to one's own culture or something like that?  I remember seeing some of the really well-researched regular posters putting up information on some international human rights thing that America hasn't signed yet that guarantees the rights of children, and it kind of covers some of the things that are being done to children in international adoptions.

    Anyway, my point is that some AP's are against human rights because they supercede THEIR desire for a child.  Who was it again that said they wanted to know where that march is?  You know, the one to get Guatamala adoptions back going again, despite unethical practices?  Oh yeah, I remember who it was.  How could I forget?

  11. This seems to be a problem of semantics and a bad problem at that. Apples are being compared to oranges. I believe people are allowing their emotions to carry them away in all directions no matter who is the speaker. The person asking the question is asking from an adoptees point of view with a lot of frustrations and that leads to the frustrations of the adopted parents.  This individual is in a unique category that only other adpotees can relate to. No one else. That's just the way it is. He or she has an identity problem which all adoptees have and they are searching desperately to know who they are and why they are here. Can we leave it that for now. Everything else is leading to taking sides. That's the best way I can answer this question. For anyone who doesn't know me, I am a biological father reunited with his daughter. Just saying that gets people crazy especially with my wife. Take care everyone.

  12. what rights? the right to live with the woman in who is in jail because she  broke his leg when he was 3 weeks old? yep. we're just awful!

  13. I too am wondering what rights you think I am against...because I am an AP.  Please clarify so I can give you my honest answer.

    Thumbs done for wanting clarification?  I prefer to know exactly what I am answering so I can give the best answer possible.  I prefer not to be one of those who foam at the mouth with idiotic answers!

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